ANSI Color codes ¶
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
256 colors ¶
You might need to set t_Co=256
x016_Grey0 | x017_NavyBlue | x018_DarkBlue | x019_Blue3 |
x020_Blue3 | x021_Blue1 | x022_DarkGreen | x023_DeepSkyBlue4 |
x024_DeepSkyBlue4 | x025_DeepSkyBlue4 | x026_DodgerBlue3 | x027_DodgerBlue2 |
x028_Green4 | x029_SpringGreen4 | x030_Turquoise4 | x031_DeepSkyBlue3 |
x032_DeepSkyBlue3 | x033_DodgerBlue1 | x034_Green3 | x035_SpringGreen3 |
x036_DarkCyan | x037_LightSeaGreen | x038_DeepSkyBlue2 | x039_DeepSkyBlue1 |
x040_Green3 | x041_SpringGreen3 | x042_SpringGreen2 | x043_Cyan3 |
x044_DarkTurquoise | x045_Turquoise2 | x046_Green1 | x047_SpringGreen2 |
x048_SpringGreen1 | x049_MediumSpringGreen | x050_Cyan2 | x051_Cyan1 |
x052_DarkRed | x053_DeepPink4 | x054_Purple4 | x055_Purple4 |
x056_Purple3 | x057_BlueViolet | x058_Orange4 | x059_Grey37 |
x060_MediumPurple4 | x061_SlateBlue3 | x062_SlateBlue3 | x063_RoyalBlue1 |
x064_Chartreuse4 | x065_DarkSeaGreen4 | x066_PaleTurquoise4 | x067_SteelBlue |
x068_SteelBlue3 | x069_CornflowerBlue | x070_Chartreuse3 | x071_DarkSeaGreen4 |
x072_CadetBlue | x073_CadetBlue | x074_SkyBlue3 | x075_SteelBlue1 |
x076_Chartreuse3 | x077_PaleGreen3 | x078_SeaGreen3 | x079_Aquamarine3 |
x080_MediumTurquoise | x081_SteelBlue1 | x082_Chartreuse2 | x083_SeaGreen2 |
x084_SeaGreen1 | x085_SeaGreen1 | x086_Aquamarine1 | x087_DarkSlateGray2 |
x088_DarkRed | x089_DeepPink4 | x090_DarkMagenta | x091_DarkMagenta |
x092_DarkViolet | x093_Purple | x094_Orange4 | x095_LightPink4 |
x096_Plum4 | x097_MediumPurple3 | x098_MediumPurple3 | x099_SlateBlue1 |
x100_Yellow4 | x101_Wheat4 | x102_Grey53 | x103_LightSlateGrey |
x104_MediumPurple | x105_LightSlateBlue | x106_Yellow4 | x107_DarkOliveGreen3 |
x108_DarkSeaGreen | x109_LightSkyBlue3 | x110_LightSkyBlue3 | x111_SkyBlue2 |
x112_Chartreuse2 | x113_DarkOliveGreen3 | x114_PaleGreen3 | x115_DarkSeaGreen3 |
x116_DarkSlateGray3 | x117_SkyBlue1 | x118_Chartreuse1 | x119_LightGreen |
x120_LightGreen | x121_PaleGreen1 | x122_Aquamarine1 | x123_DarkSlateGray1 |
x124_Red3 | x125_DeepPink4 | x126_MediumVioletRed | x127_Magenta3 |
x128_DarkViolet | x129_Purple | x130_DarkOrange3 | x131_IndianRed |
x132_HotPink3 | x133_MediumOrchid3 | x134_MediumOrchid | x135_MediumPurple2 |
x136_DarkGoldenrod | x137_LightSalmon3 | x138_RosyBrown | x139_Grey63 |
x140_MediumPurple2 | x141_MediumPurple1 | x142_Gold3 | x143_DarkKhaki |
x144_NavajoWhite3 | x145_Grey69 | x146_LightSteelBlue3 | x147_LightSteelBlue |
x148_Yellow3 | x149_DarkOliveGreen3 | x150_DarkSeaGreen3 | x151_DarkSeaGreen2 |
x152_LightCyan3 | x153_LightSkyBlue1 | x154_GreenYellow | x155_DarkOliveGreen2 |
x156_PaleGreen1 | x157_DarkSeaGreen2 | x158_DarkSeaGreen1 | x159_PaleTurquoise1 |
x160_Red3 | x161_DeepPink3 | x162_DeepPink3 | x163_Magenta3 |
x164_Magenta3 | x165_Magenta2 | x166_DarkOrange3 | x167_IndianRed |
x168_HotPink3 | x169_HotPink2 | x170_Orchid | x171_MediumOrchid1 |
x172_Orange3 | x173_LightSalmon3 | x174_LightPink3 | x175_Pink3 |
x176_Plum3 | x177_Violet | x178_Gold3 | x179_LightGoldenrod3 |
x180_Tan | x181_MistyRose3 | x182_Thistle3 | x183_Plum2 |
x184_Yellow3 | x185_Khaki3 | x186_LightGoldenrod2 | x187_LightYellow3 |
x188_Grey84 | x189_LightSteelBlue1 | x190_Yellow2 | x191_DarkOliveGreen1 |
x192_DarkOliveGreen1 | x193_DarkSeaGreen1 | x194_Honeydew2 | x195_LightCyan1 |
x196_Red1 | x197_DeepPink2 | x198_DeepPink1 | x199_DeepPink1 |
x200_Magenta2 | x201_Magenta1 | x202_OrangeRed1 | x203_IndianRed1 |
x204_IndianRed1 | x205_HotPink | x206_HotPink | x207_MediumOrchid1 |
x208_DarkOrange | x209_Salmon1 | x210_LightCoral | x211_PaleVioletRed1 |
x212_Orchid2 | x213_Orchid1 | x214_Orange1 | x215_SandyBrown |
x216_LightSalmon1 | x217_LightPink1 | x218_Pink1 | x219_Plum1 |
x220_Gold1 | x221_LightGoldenrod2 | x222_LightGoldenrod2 | x223_NavajoWhite1 |
x224_MistyRose1 | x225_Thistle1 | x226_Yellow1 | x227_LightGoldenrod1 |
x228_Khaki1 | x229_Wheat1 | x230_Cornsilk1 | x231_Grey100 |
x232_Grey3 | x233_Grey7 | x234_Grey11 | x235_Grey15 |
x236_Grey19 | x237_Grey23 | x238_Grey27 | x239_Grey30 |
x240_Grey35 | x241_Grey39 | x242_Grey42 | x243_Grey46 |
x244_Grey50 | x245_Grey54 | x246_Grey58 | x247_Grey62 |
x248_Grey66 | x249_Grey70 | x250_Grey74 | x251_Grey78 |
x252_Grey82 | x253_Grey85 | x254_Grey89 | x255_Grey93 |
Colorize Vim ¶
You can highlight your current line by adding the following line to your .vimrc:
hi CursorLine cterm=NONE ctermbg=187
The following line will use color 0 (black) for the text color of the line numbers and color 187 (see above) for the background.
highlight LineNr ctermfg=0 ctermbg=187