Suppose you are in the Netflix setting: You have \(M\) movies, \(N\) users and integer ratings \(1, \dots, K\) for some movies by some users.
You want to predict all missing values. This means you want to say how the users would rate movies they have not actually rated.
Please note that ratings for products on Amazon might be a very similar situation. It might also be similar to the StumbleUpon rating.
The Problem
- Much Data: You have 17 000 movies, 480 000 users and 100 000 000 ratings of movies by those users.
- Missing Data: Although you have a lot of ratings, a complete dataset would be \(17\cdot 10^3 \cdot 480 \cdot 10^3 = 8160 \cdot 10^6\) ratings. This means you only have about 12% of all possible ratings. There is a lot of data missing.
A Solution
Train one RBM per user, but share weights amongst the RBMs. This simply means the weights are averaged.
The visible units are movies. But instead of having binary visible units, the units have \(K=5\) states on which softmax is applied.
The hidden units (about 100) model dependencies between movie ratings.
When you now want to predict the missing ratings, you can just perform a sampling in the user-specific RBM. You calculate the values of the hidden units, then you have a vector for this user which describes the users preferences. You add the missing movies with the weights from the other users and sample back.
- Salakhutdinov, Mnih and Hinton: Restricted Boltzmann machines for collaborative filtering. In Proceedings of the 24th international conference on Machine learning, 2007.
- Hinton: 5. RBMs for Collaborative Filtering on YouTube. 9th of November 2013.
- Netflix Prize Data Set