Community Chess is one of my projects. I can make something useful and play a bit. This project has now an own URL:
It's a little bit crappy at the moment as I've just started studying, but I'll fix that.
If you like to help, please write me an e-mail ( Everybody can help. Here are some examples:
I need some people who
- can create a better design / color scheme
- use it and know chess rules
- know how to customize phpBB
- know how to write Ajax for a better GUI (playChess.php works with PHP and HTML at the moment)
- can speak other languages than English and German
- know how to advertise
- like to support this project with money (I have to pay 26.16 Euro per year for hosting this service. If I get more money I will save it for the next years hosting costs. If it's much more I could try to find a professional designer.)