How expensive is my style of living? How different would it be in other parts of the world? How does inflation affect me personally? How much would I have to pay if I lost all my stuff at once (e.g. a fire or moving without my stuff)?
I wanted to be able to answer those questions and started writing down stuff which I think I really need... turns out, it's a lot of stuff.
Legend ¶
- 🧊 Needs to be in the freezer
- ❄️ Needs to be in the fridge
- 🥫 In a tin can
Furniture ¶
Name | Price | Durability |
Schreibtisch (IKEA Malm, 203.598.23) | 120.00 € | 10 years |
Schreibtischunterlage mit Kantenschutz (Durable 729301) | 19.44 € | 4 years |
Drehstuhl (IKEA FLINTAN, 292.081.94) | 90.00 € | 10 years |
Bett und Lattenrost mit zwei Schubkästen (IKEA Malm und Lönset, 091.750.57) | 227.00 € | 10 years |
Matratze (Bodyguard) | 329.00 € | 10 years |
4x Schrank (Pax Korpus, 901.839.91) | 280.00 € | 10 years |
4x Griff (IKEA Lansa, 801.387.63) | 28.00 € | 10 years |
4x Schrank (IKEA Malm Nexus, W50cm x H229cm x T60cm, 799.042.13) | 300.00 € | 10 years |
2x Kleiderstange (IKEA Komplement, 402.569.42) | 10.00 € | 10 years |
9x Schublade (IKEA Komplement, 502.463.06) | 135.00 € | 10 years |
17x Regalboden (IKEA Komplement, 702.779.81) | 85.00 € | 10 years |
2x Drahtnetzkorb (IKEA Komplement, 602.573.04) | 16.00 € | 10 years |
Hemdaufhänger (IKEA Komplement, 702.569.31) | 4.00 € | 10 years |
Beistelltisch (IKEA Lack, 703.190.28) | 7.99 € | 10 years |
Wandspiegel (IKEA Nissedal, 803.908.68) | 29.99 € | 10 years |
2x Halbrundschine (30mm x 1500mm) | 20.00 € | 25 years |
2x Halbrundschine (30mm x 1000mm) | 14.00 € | 25 years |
16x Träger Pro T für Halbrundschiene 30mm (150mm lang) | 16.00 € | 25 years |
10x Träger Pro T für Halbrundschiene 30mm (200mm lang) | 10.00 € | 25 years |
5x Leimholz Fichte (80cm x 20cm) | 25.00 € | 20 years |
8x Leimholz Fichte (80cm x 15cm) | 40.00 € | 20 years |
4x Frontbox 19.2L | 71.96 € | 10 years |
Total | 1878.38 € | - |
Clothes ¶
Name | Price | Durability | Price / year | 2020 |
14x PUMA Herren BASIC Boxershorts (521015001) | 93.80 € | 6 years | 15.64 € / year | 0 € / 0 pieces |
10 Paar Sneaker (Mat & Vic Cotton Classic) | 15.00 € | 5 years | 3.00 € / year | 0 € / 0 pieces |
3 Paar Thermosocken (Vollfrottee) | 7.50 € | 6 years | 1.25 € / year | 0 € / 0 pieces |
15 Paar Herrensocken | 37.50 € | 5 years | 7.50 € / year | 0 € / 0 pieces |
4x Chino Hose | 120.00 € | 2 years | 60.00 € / year | 14.05 € / 1 pieces |
5x Pullover | 150.00 € | 3 years | 50.00 € / year | 0 € / 0 pieces |
4x Funktionsshirt | 63.00 € | 4 years | 15.75 € / year | 13.63 € / 2 pieces |
5x Business-Hemd | 200.00 € | 4 years | 50.00 € / year | 22.99 € / 1 pieces |
5x Sport Hose (PUMA Herren Active Woven Short 5') | 125.00 € | 6 years | 20.84 € / year | 0 € / 0 pieces |
1x Ski-Handschuhe | 27.00 € | 10 years | 2.70 € / year | 0 € / 0 pieces |
2x Jogginghose (lang, dick, Baumwoll-Fleece) | 40.00 € | 10 years | 4.00 € / year | 0 € / 0 pieces |
10x T-shirt (Schwarz, S, Fruit of the Loom) | 20.00 € | 15 years | 1.34 € / year | 0 € / 0 pieces |
1x Gürtel (80cm, 3cm Breit) | 22.00 € | 2 years | 11.00 € / year | 0 € / 0 pieces |
1x Schal | 15.00 € | 15 years | 1.00 € / year | 0 € / 0 pieces |
2x Badehose | 40.00 € | 20 years | 2.00 € / year | 0 € / 0 pieces |
1x Wintermütze | 18.00 € | 15 years | 1.20 € / year | 0 € / 0 pieces |
1x Funktionstuch (Icebreaker Apex Chute) | 36.00 € | 15 years | 2.40 € / year | 0 € / 0 pieces |
1x Cabanjacke | 80.00 € | 15 years | 5.34 € / year | 0 € / 0 pieces |
2x Thermo-Hose | 60.00 € | 3 years | 20.00 € / year | 0 € / 0 pieces |
3x Lange Unterhose | 105.00 € | 10 years | 10.50 € / year | 0 € / 0 pieces |
2x Langes Funktionsunterhemd | 80.00 € | 15 years | 5.34 € / year | 0 € / 0 pieces |
Hausschuhe | 6.99 € | 4 years | - | 6.99 € / 1 pair |
Herrenschuhe / Alltagsschuhe | 44.99 € / 1 pair | 44.99 € / 1 pair | ||
Laufschuhe Asics GT-2000 | 100.00 € / 1 pair | 0 | ||
Total | 1354.80 € | - | 290.30 € / year | 102.65 € |
- Herbstjacke
Hiking ¶
Name | Price per piece | Durability | Per year | 2020 |
Schlafsack (Mountain Equipment GLACIER 1000 REGULAR) | 359.92 € | 20 years | 18.00 € | 359.92 € / 1 piece |
Schlafsack | 17.54 € | 10 years | 1.76 € | 17.54 € / 1 piece |
Hardshell Jackets (Regenjacke, Fjällräven Keb Eco Shell) | 320 € | 10 years | 32.00 € | |
Wanderschuhe (Meindl Herren Island Mfs Active) | 235 € | 10 years | 23.50 € | 0 |
Wanderhose (Fjällräven M KEB TROUSERS REGULAR) | 197.91 € | 10 years | 19.80 € | 0 |
Rucksack (Deuter Aircontact 55+10) | 170.92 € | 15 years | 11.40 € | 0 |
Fließjacke (Mammut Innominata Advanced ML Jacket) | 113 € | 10 years | 11.30 € | 0 |
Total | TODO | 17.54 € |
Expensive Stuff ¶
Name | Price | Durability | Per year |
Fahrrad Fahrradmanufaktur Damen Citybike | 600 € | 5 years | 120.00 € / year |
Notebook (ThinkPad T460p GeForce 940MX) | 1400 € | 4 years | 350.00 € / year |
Smartphone (Samsung S7) | 187 € | 2 years | 93.50 € / year |
Monitor (Think Vision P27) | 355 € | 5 years | 71.00 € / year |
Total | 2542.00 € | - | 634.50 € / year |
Tools ¶
- Schraubendreher
- Stichsäge
- Imbus-Schlüssel
- Meterstab
Name | Amount 2020 |
Holzschrauben | 3.79 € / 100 pieces |
Klebeband (Tesapack Solid) | 4.67 € / 66m |
Total | 8.46 € |
Kitchen ¶
Name | Total Price |
Kleiner Teller (FLITIGHET) | 6.00 € / 4 pieces |
Großer Teller (VÄRDERA) | 11.96 € / 4 pieces |
Gläßer (IKEA 365+) | 4.99 € / 6 pieces |
Becher (DINERA) | 7.96 € / 4 pieces |
Handrührgerät (Bosch MFQ3540) | 33.99 € |
Besteck (MOPSIG: 4 Gabeln, Messer, Suppen- und Teelöffel) | 5.00 € |
Waffeleisen | 12.60 € (2020) |
Sushi-Matte | 2.99 € (2020) |
- Teller
- Suppe / Tiefer teller
- Töpfe
- Mixer
- Nudelsieb
- Plastik-Dosen
Other Stuff ¶
Name | Price | Durabiliy | Per year | Usage 2020 |
PC Speakers (Logitech Z120) | 14.99 € | 4 years | 3.75 € / year | 0 |
Mouse (Logitech B100) | 6.59 € | 5 years | 1.32 € / year | 0 |
Biking Helmet (KINGLEAD) | 34.99 € | 4 years | 8.75 € / year | 0 |
Fahrrad-Mantel (Schwalbe Marathon Plus) | 32.14 € | 10 years | 3.22 € / year | 32.14 € / 1 piece |
Fahrradschlauch (Schwalbe Schlauch SV 17 - 28", 700) | 12.60 € | 2 years | 6.30 € / year | 12.90 € / 2 pieces |
Fahrrad Felgendband (Schwalbe) | 3.33 € | 10 years | 0.34 € / year | 3.33 € / 1 piece |
Fahrradketten-Öl | 5.99 € / 60ml (Finish Line; rippoff - you can get it for 4 € / 100ml) | |||
Schnürsenkel | 3.00 € | 1 year | 3.00 € / year | 0 |
25 Blank DVDs | 7.99 € | 25 / 5 years | 1.60 € / year | 0 |
Schwalbe Mantel - Marathon Plus ETRTO 37-622 Smartguard, 700 x 35C, 11149348 | 32.14 € | 10 years | 3.22 € / year | 32.14 € / 1 piece |
Keyboard (Logitech K380 Bluetooth) | 29.99 € | 5 years | 6.00 € / year | 29.99 € / 1 piece |
Briefmarke (Post) | 1.75 / 2 letters or packages | |||
Nice letter Paper (Briefpapier) | 1.20 € / piece | 3.90 € | ||
Shoe cream (Schuhcreme) | 1.19 € / 75 ml | 1.19 € / 75ml | ||
Flowers | 2.99 € / 1 | |||
Regenschirm | 2.95 € / 1 piece | 2.95 € / 1 piece | ||
Glasuntersetzer | 7.49 € / 4 pieces | 7.49 € / 4 pieces | ||
Total |
- USB-Ladegerät
- Steckdosenleiste
- USB-Kabel
- 2x Handtuch (klein)
- 2x Handtuch (groß)
- 3x Bettbezüge
- 3x Bettlaken
- 3x Kissen
- 6x Kissenbezüge
- 2x Bettdecke
Food ¶
Fruits ¶
Food | Durability | Price | Usage 2020 |
Banana (Bananen) | 1 week | 0.72 €/kg - 1.79 € / kg | 3.99 € / 3.520 kg |
Mandarin orange (Mandarinen / Clementinen) | 1.15 € / 500 g (?) | 4.83 € / 2.25 kg | |
Orange | 0.95 € / 1 piece - 0.97 € / 1 piece | 1.97 € / 2 pieces | |
Blutorange | 1.99 € / 1 kg | 1.99 € / 1 kg | |
Apples (Äpfel) | 3 months (?) | 0.89 € / kg - 1.25 € / kg | 6.49 € / 4.056kg |
Pears (Birne) | 2 months | 2.99 € / kg | 1.79 € / 0.6 kg |
Nektarinen | 3 weeks | 2.79 € / 500g | 2.79 € / 500g |
Mango | 3 weeks | 0.99 € / piece - 1.93 € / piece | 14.55 € / 13 piece |
Cherries (Kirschen) | 2 weeks | 5.90 €/kg | 9.08 € / 1.938 kg |
Sauerkirschen (eingelegt, gezuckert, entsteint) | 3 years | 1.49 € / 350g | 1.49 € / 350g |
Mango 🥫 | 1 year | 1.29 € / 250g | 1.29 € / 250g |
Pfirsich 🥫 | 3 years | 0.99 € / 480g | 0.99 € / 480g |
Strawberries (🇩🇪 Erdbeeren) | 3 days | 1.89 € / 500g | 8.75 € / 2500g |
Grapes (Trauben) | 4 weeks | 1.99 € /500g - 2.12 € / 500g; 2.99 € / kg | 26.45 € / 7.796kg |
Annanas 🥫 | 18 months | 0.79 € / 340g (Abtropfgewicht) | 1.85 € / 680g |
Kiwi | 2 weeks | 0.29 € / piece to 0.39 € / piece | 2.43 € / 8 pieces |
Blueberries (Heidelbeeren) | 2 weeks | 1.29 € / 125g | 3.28 € / 375g |
Kaki / Sharonfrucht | 2 weeks (?) | 1.79 € / kg (0.47 € / piece .. roughly 250g) | 3.05 € / 1.69 kg |
Feigen (frisch) | 0.99 € / 4 pieces, 1.29 € / 8 pieces | 4.89 € / 20 pieces | |
Figs medium dry (Feigen halbtrocken) | 6 months | 1.99 € / 650g | 4.38 € / 650g |
Dates (Datteln) | 9 months | 1.49 € / 250g | 14.19 € / 2500 g |
Citrons (Zitronen) | 2 weeks ? | 0.79 € / 500g - 1.19 € / 500g | 4.79 € / 15 pieces |
Limetten | 2 weeks? | 1.69 € / 5 pieces | 1.69 € / 5 pieces |
Total | 127.10 € |
Vegetables ¶
Food | Durability | Price | Usage 2020 |
Potato (🇩🇪 Kartoffeln) | 3 months (?) | 0.75 € / 2kg | 2.49 € / 2.5 kg |
Carrots (🇩🇪 Karotten / Möhren) | 3 months (?) | 0.89 €/1kg - 1.19€/1kg; 0.99 € / 2kg | 9.17 € / 10.443 kg |
Broccoli (🇩🇪 Brokkoli) | 2 weeks | 0.86 € / 500g to 1.49 € / 500g | 8.81 € / 6000g |
Radisichen | 0.29 € / Bund | 0.29 € / Bund | |
Zuckererbsen | 1.79 € / 200g | ||
Cabbage (🇩🇪 Weißkohl) | 3 months | 0.79 € / 2.04 kg (1 piece) | |
Purple cabbage coleslaw (🇩🇪 Tafelfertiger Rotkohl) | 2.5 years | 0.57 € /0.65kg - 1.39 € / 0.65 kg | 6.32 € / 3.90 kg |
Spring onion (🇩🇪 Frühlingszwiebeln / Lauchzwiebeln) | 2 weeks (?) | 0.59 € / bundle - 0.87 € / bundle | 5.91 € / 9 bundles |
Onion (🇩🇪 Speisezwiebeln) | 2 months (?) | 0.98 € / 2kg - 1.69 € / 2kg | 8.35 € / 11kg |
Garlic (🇩🇪 Knoblauch) | 2 months (?) | 0.77 € - 0.89 € / 3 bulbs | 2.91 € / 12 bulbs |
Red beans (🇩🇪 Kidneybohnen) | 0.39 € / 400g | 0.98 € / 800g | |
Beans (🇩🇪 Buschbohnen, Prinzessbohnen) | 1 month | 1.79 € / 250g | 5.96 € / 700g |
Tomatos (🇩🇪 Cherrystrauchtomaten, Romana-Tomaten, Rispen-Tomaten) | 1 week | 1.49 € / 250g (1 package) or 0.95 € / 500g - 1.19 € / 500g for Roma-Tomaten | 20.14 € / 5822g |
Corn in a can (🇩🇪Mais in der Dose) | 33 months | 0.99 € / 420g - 1.29 € / 420g (🇩🇪 Abtropfgewicht) | 9.72 € / 3360g |
🇩🇪 Maiskölbchen | 18 months | 0.89 € / 190g (🇩🇪 Abtropfgewicht) | 0.89 € / 190g |
Zuckermais (frisch) | 1.69 € / 2 pieces | ||
Pepper (🇩🇪 Paprika) | 2 weeks | 4.38 € / kg - 5.90 € / kg | 5.48 € / 1.492 kg |
Champignons | ? | 0.57 € /280g - 1.95 € / 400g | 6.24 € / 1760g |
Zucchini | 1 month (?) | 0.89 € / kg to 1.99 € / kg | 2.48 € / 1.374kg |
Olives (entkernte Oliven im Glas) | 3 years | 0.57 € / 160g - 0.79 € / 160g | 2.89 € / 640g |
Kapern | 3 years | 0.97 € / 60g | 0.97 € / 60g |
Cucumber (🇩🇪 Gurke) | 1 week | 0.49 € / piece | 2.40 € / 4 piece |
Avocado | 1.29 € / 1 piece | ||
Ingwer | 5.90 € / kg | 0.48 € / 0.082kg | |
Salad (Feldsalat, Kopfsalat) | 1 week | 0.49 € / 1 piece Eisbergsalat | 1.88 € / 2 piece |
Buttergemüße | months 🧊 | 0.57 € / 300g - 0.59 € / 300g, 0.89 € / 450g - 1.76€/450g | 4.40 € / 1800g |
Pak Choi | ? | 5.85 € / kg | 2.78 € / 475g |
Gangat | ? | 2.60 € / 100g | 2.60 € / 100g |
Tamarind | 30 months | 2.59 € / 454g | 2.59 € / 454g |
Minze | 1 week | 0.96 € / 25g | 0.96 € / 25g |
Total | 116.01 € |
Bread-based ¶
Food | Durability | Price | Usage 2020 |
Baguette | 1 month (?) | 0.69 € / pice | 2.23 € / 3 pieces |
Bread roll (🇩🇪 Brötchen / Semmel, e.g. Kaisersemmel) | 1 day | 0.30 €/piece - 0.85 €/ piece | 8.84 € / 20 piece |
Brezel | 0.70 € / piece | 0.70 € / 1 piece | |
Buns (Hamburger Brötchen) | 1 month | 0.68 € / 6 pieces | 0.68 € / 6 pieces |
Toast (Sandwichtoast) | 2 weeks (?) | 0.89 € / 750g or 0.57 € /500g - 1.29 € / 500g | 10.56 € / 7500g |
Bread (Brot: Eiweis-Brot, Malz-Mehrkornbrot, Vollkornbrot, Kartoffelbrot, Kürbiskernbrot) | 4 days | 0.99 € / 500g and 1.95 € / 500g and 1.29 € / 500g | 43.44 € / 7.0 kg |
Früchtebrot | 2.49 € / 500g | 2.49 € / 500g | |
Brotbackmischung | 18 months | 0.86€/1kg - 0.89 € / 1kg | 2.64 € / 3kg |
Tacos | 4 months | 1.50 € / 12 pieces | 1.50 € / 12 pieces |
Croissants | 1 day (3 weeks for backing) | 1.19 € / 4 pieces or 1.60 € / 1 piece - 1.80 € / 1 piece at the baker | 21.28 € / 26 piece |
Körnersemmel, Weltmeisterbrötchen, Pfefferstange, ... | 0.90 € /piece - 1.50 € / piece | 6.30 € / 5 piece | |
Käseschnecke | 1 day | 0.89 € / piece | 0.89 € / 1 piece |
🇩🇪 Laugenbrezel | ? | 1.29 € / 10 pieces | 1.29 € / 10 pieces |
🇩🇪 Laugenstange | ? | 1.29 € / 8 pieces | 1.98 € / 9 pieces |
Butter (not salted) | 3 months | 1.07 € /250g - 1.39 € / 250g | 40.28 € / 7000g |
Margarine (Letta) | 2 months | 0.75 €/500g - 1.79 € / 500g | 3.84 € / 1250g (3 packages) |
Kräuterbutter | ? | 0.77 € / 100g | 0.77 € / 100g |
Mustard (medium-hot; Senf) | 9 months | 0.47 € / 200ml - 0.49 € / 200ml | 2.43 € / 1000ml |
Mayonnaise | 6 months | 1.69 € / 200ml | 5.07 € / 600ml |
Remoulade | 6 months | 1.63 € /200ml - 1.69 € / 200ml | 5.01 € / 600ml |
Cheese (🇩🇪 Emmentaler; Limburger; Allgäuer Bergkäse; Almzeit; Parmigiano Reggiano; Brie) | 1 to 4 months ❄️ | 2.69 € / 400g für Emmentaler; 1.99 € / 200g für Limburger; 1.19 € / 150g für Almzeit; 4.84 € / 250g für Parmigiano; 1.15 € /200g - 1.19 € / 200g für Brie | 108.93 € / 14.60kg |
Schmelzscheiben für Toast Hawaii | 0.99 € / 250g | 0.99 € / 250g | |
Frischkäse (Ananas Frischkäse-Ring) | 6 weeks | 0.96 € /125g - 0.99 € / 125g | 8.82 € / 1125g |
Cheese (🇩🇪 Schweizer Hartkäse; Appenzeller) | 3 months | - | 2.59 € / 150g |
Cheese (Mozzarella) | 0.57 € / 125g - 0.69 € / 125 g (ATG) | 17.34 € / 3400g | |
Ofenkäse | 3 weeks | 1.63 € / 180 g | 1.63 € / 180 g |
Sausage (Mortadella Wurst, Salami) | 0.89 € / (package); 1.49 € / 300g | 9.29 € / 1500g | |
Vegetarian sausage (Veggi Aufschniitt) | 1 month | 1.39 € / 125g | 1.39 € / 125g |
🇩🇪 Marmelade / Konfitüre (Strawberry, Preiselbeeren) | 18 months | 1.29 € / 450g | 5.84 € / 2650g |
Obatzter (Obazda) | 2 months | 1.49€/125g - 1.59€/125g | 12.81 € / 1100g |
Hummus | 2 weeks | 0.99 € / 200g | 6.87 € / 1400g |
Crème fraîche based spread (Tomaten-Mozzarella Brotaufstrich / Thunfisch) | 2 weeks | 0.89 € / 150g | 13.51 € / 2250g |
Antipasti (Brotaufstrich/Salat) | 2 weeks | 1.59€/150g - 1.79 € / 150g | 10.34€ / 900g |
Sonstiger Brotaufstrich | 0.97 € / 150g | ||
Nougat Creme / Schokocreme (e.g. Nutella) | 1 year | 0.59 €/400g - 1.29 € / 400g | 4.46 € / 1600g |
Peanut Butter (Erdnuss-Creme) | 1 year | 1.69 € / 350g | 1.69 € / 350g |
Honey (Honig) | 1 year | 1.92 €/500g - 2.89 € / 500g | 4.81 € / 1000g |
Lachsaufschnitt | ? | 3.62 € / 150g | 3.62 € / 150g |
Total | 374.42 € |
Spices ¶
I also count mixes like "Knorr fix" / "Maggi" in here.
Food | Durability | Price | Usage 2020 |
Salt (Salz) | many years | 0.19 € / kg | 0 |
Pepper (Pfeffer) | 3 years | 0.59 € / 50g | 1.16 € / 100g |
Garlic powder (Knoblauch-Gewürzpulver) | 3 years | 0.49 € / 70g | 0.98 € / 140g |
Muskatnuss-Gewürzpulver | 3 years | 1.19 € / 50g | 1.19 € / 50g |
Oregano | 3 years | 1.85 € / 70g | 1.85 € / 70g |
Knorr Fix, Maggi or Similar (Nudelgratin / Lasagne / Geschnetzeltes / Jägersauce) | 1 year (?) | 0.28 € / package - 1.19 € / package | 7.74 € / 16 package |
Gemüsebrühe | 22 months | 0.59 € | 0.59 € / 140g |
Fresh Basil (Frischer Basilikum) | years? | 1.76 € / plant | 1.76 € / 1 plant |
Pommes-Gewürz / Steak & Grill Gewürz | 4 years | 1.95 € / 60g | 3.90 € / 120g |
Küchenkräuter (Schnittlauch) | ? | 0.99 € / 12.5g | 0.99 € / 12.5g |
Kräutersalz (Tomatensalz) | 9 months | 1.69 € / 60g | 1.69 € / 60g |
Pandan Paste | 3 years | 1.49 € / 25ml | 1.49 € / 25ml |
Total | 21.85 € |
General Cooking:
Food | Durability | Price | 2020 |
Milk (Milch) | 2 months (?) | 0.65 € / L - 0.70 € / L | 20.01 € / 29 L |
Gezuckerte Kondensmilch | 1.99 € / 397g | 1.99 € / 397g | |
Haferdrink / Hafermilch | 8 months | 0.99 € / L | 0.99 € / 1 L |
Sojadrink / Sojamilch | 10 months | 0.92 € / L | 0.92 € / L |
Whipped Cream (Schlagsahne 30%) | 2 weeks | 0.63 € / 200 g | 7.80 € / 2400g |
Schmand | 6 weeks | 0.53 € / 200g | 0.53 € / 200g |
Saure Sahne | 2 weeks | 0.40 € / 200 g | 0.40 € / 200 g |
Creme Fraiche (30%) | 4 weeks | 0.67 € / 200g | 0.67 € / 200g |
Speisequark | 2 weeks? | 0.54 € / 250g | 0.54 € / 250g |
Haferflocken | 1 year | 0.47 € / 500g - 0.96 € / 500g | 3.35 € / 4000g |
Müsli (Nougat/Granola Bits) | 1 year | 1.99 € / 750g or 2.49 / 500g | 22.39 € / 8000g |
Sunflower oil (Sonnenblumenöl) | 1 year | 0.99 € / L - 1.09 € / L | 10.92 € / 10 L |
Rapsöl | 1 year | 0.97 € / L | 0.97 € / 1 L |
Olivenöl | 1 year | 3.59 € / 750 ml | 3.59 € / 750 ml |
Sugar (Zucker) | 10 years | 0.75 € / kg - 0.79 € / kg | 2.31 € / 3 kg |
Palm Sugar | 3 years | 4.00 € / 250g | 4.00 € / 250g |
Balsamic vinegar | 4 years | 0.95 € / 500 ml | 0 |
Balsamico Crema | 2 years 9 months | 1.99 € / 250ml | 19.99 € / 2500ml |
Wheat Flour (Weizenmehl) | 1 year | 0.38 €/kg - 0.39 € / kg | 3.11 € / 6 kg |
Tapioka Mehl | 0.99 € / 400g | 0.99 € / 400g | |
Total | 105.47 € |
Asian ¶
Food | Durability | Price | 2020 |
Jasmin Rice (Reis) | 2 years | 1.89 € / kg - 1.92 € / kg | 19.76 € / 10kg |
Mochi | 1 year | 2.99 € / 180g | 14.96 € / 1200g |
Sushi Rice | 2 years | 2.99 € / kg | 7.97 € / 3000g |
Sweet Chilisauce | 1 year 4 months | 7.97 € / 1390ml | |
Other Sauce / Dip (andere Soßen) | 6 months | 0.26 € / 50g; 1.11 € / 250ml | 5.07 € / 1350ml |
Mie Nudeln | 1 year 6 months | 4.47 € / 780g | |
Coconut Milk (Kokusmilch) | 1 year 6 months | 0.96 € / 400ml - 0.99 € / 400ml | 3.90 € / 1600ml |
Oister Sauce (🇩🇪 Austernsoße) | 2 years | 10 € / kg | 2.29 € / 295ml |
Fortune Cookie (🇩🇪 Glückskeks) | 0.19 € / 1 piece | ||
Garuda coated peanuts snack (🇩🇪 Erdnuss-Atom Knoblauch) | 1.79 € / 200g | ||
Nori (🇩🇪 Seetang geröstet MIYATA) | 2.99 € / 28g | 5.38 € / 48g | |
Instant Noodles (Instant-Nudeln) | 9 months | 2.64 € / 6 piece | |
Surimi Daru | 3.59 € / 500g | 7.28 € / 1000g | |
Mogu MoGu | 5.56 € / 1280ml | ||
Gewürzmischung (AHG / Bamboe) | 18 months | 1.79 € / piece | 7.15 € / 5 pieces |
Sojasauce | 14 months | 4.99 € / 500ml | 4.99 € / 500ml |
Tofu | 1 month | 1.99 € / 400g | 3.39 € / 800g |
Roastet White Sesame (🇩🇪 Gerösteter weißer Sesam) | 6 months | 2.99 € / 60g | |
Kokosnussmilch | 18 months | 2.97 € / 1600ml | |
Kleine Chilischoten | 4 weeks | 1.49 € / 100g | 2.48 € / 150g |
Worchestersauce | 1.99 € / 140ml | 1.99 € / 140ml | |
Tempeh | 1.79 € / 394g | 1.79 € / 394g | |
Zitronengraß | 2 weeks? | 1.46 € / 50g | 1.46 € / 50g |
Reisessig | 1.39 € / 250ml | ||
Other Sauce | 1 year 3 months | 0.75 € / 300ml | 0.75 € / 300ml |
Kecap Manis (ABC) | 1 year | 3.99 € / 600ml | 0 |
Total | 120.58 |
Noodles ¶
Food | Durability | Price | 2020 |
Pasta (Hartweizengrieß, z.B. Bandnudeln, Penne, Spaghetti, Fusilli) | 2.5 years | 0.48 € / 500g - 0.59 € / 500g | 7.00 € / 5000g |
Pasta (Lasagne) | 2.5 years | 1.95 € / 500g | 1.95 € / 500g |
Tortelloni Pasta | 4 months | 0.69 € / 250g | 2.07 € / 750g |
Barilla Pesto | 6 months | 1.99 € / 200g - 2.90 € / 200g | 11.80 € / 1000g |
Nudelsoße | 1.29 € / 400g | 1.29 € / 400g | |
Gehackte Tomaten | 3 years 🥫 | 0.48 € / 400g | 0.48 € / 400g |
Passierte Tomaten | 1 year | 0.39 € / 500g | 1.17 € / 1000g |
Total | 23.81 € |
Meat and Fish ¶
Food | Durability | Price | 2020 |
Rinderhackfleisch | 5 days 🧊 | 2.89 € / 400g - 3.29 € / 400g | 26.63 € / 3600g |
Chicken (Hähnchenfilet / Hähnchengeschnetzeltes / Hähnchen-Minutenschnitzel) | ? | 2.69 € / 400g | 25.41 € / 3700g |
Würstchen (trocken, für Reisen; Rottentaler; Kaminwurzer) | 2 months | 1.49 € / 150g | 15.43€ / 1200g |
Prawn / Shrimp / Meeresfrüchte (Garnelen, e.g. Black Tiger, Eismeergarnelen) | 🧊 | 3.99 € / 200g - 4.79 € / 200g | 12.77 € / 600g |
Rumpsteak | 14 days | 24.99 € / kg | 12.85 € / 514g |
Frikadellen / Gemüse-Nuggets | 1 month? | 1.99 € -2.21 €/ 500g | 10.61 € / 2500g |
Fish (e.g. Knusperfilets) | days 🧊 | 1.99 € / package | 9.88 € / 4 packages |
Sausage (Würstchen, Bratwurst, Wiener) | 1 month | 2.59 € / 800g | 9.20 € / 2700g |
Fisch Filet (Schlemmerfilet, Iglo Filegro, Filet Müllerin-Art) | 2 years 🧊 | 1.93 € / 380g - 3.13 € / 380g | 7.21 € / 1140g |
Pommes (Süßkartoffel-Pommes) | 🧊 | 1.69 € / 500g - 1.79 € / 500g | 6.50 € / 2000g |
Fish 🥫 (Hering / Thunfisch) | 4 years | 1.49 € / 200g | 5.40 € / 460g |
Rind Sauerbraten | 3 weeks 🧊 | 5.39 € / 600g | 5.39 € / 600g |
Hähnchen-Schnitzel / Cordon Bleu | ? | 2.89 € / 400g | 5.69 € / 800g |
Next Level Burger Patties (Vegan) | 2.41 € / 225g | 2.41 € / 225g | |
Ketchup | 1.5 years | 1.59 € / 860ml | 1.59 € / 860ml |
Tuna in tin (Thunfisch in der Dose) | 2.5 years | 0.99 € / 195g (Abtropfgewicht) | |
Sausage (Weißwurst) | ? | 2.19 € / 280g | 0 |
Total | 157.96 € |
Baking ¶
Food | Durability | Price | 2020 |
Walnusskerne | 6 months | 2.49 € / 200g | 2.49 € / 200g |
Backpulver | 2 years | 0.28 € / 150g | 0.28 € / 150g |
Vanillin/Vanille-Zucker | 1 year | 0.96 € / 80g | 1.92 € / 160g |
Vanille-Pulver für Soße | 2 years | 0.97 € / 1.5 L | 0.97 € / 1.5 L |
Schokostreusel | 1 year | 1.25 € / 400g | 1.25 € / 400g |
Gehackte Mandeln | 6 months | 0.96 € / 100g | 0.96 € / 100g |
Kuchen Backmischung | 8 months | 1.59 € / 439g - 3.23 € / | 4.82 € / 819g |
Kuchenglasur | 2 years | 0.68 € / 200g | 0.68 € / 200g |
Griess | ? | 1.27 € / ? | 1.27 € / ? |
Hefe | ? | 1.95 € / 120g or 0.57 € / 42g | 2.52 € / 162g |
Sahnefest/Sahnesteif | 2 years | 0.29 € / 40g | 0.29 € / 40g |
Gelatine | 2 years | 0.85 € / 30g | 0.85 € / 30g |
Apfelmuß | ? | 0.59 € / 710g | 0.59 € / 710g |
Total | 18.89 € |
Other Food ¶
Food | Durability | Price | 2020 |
Sweets (Cookies, chocolate, cake, waffles, cookies; Süßigkeiten, Kakao-Schnitten, Kekse, Wassereis, Nuss/Mohn-Strudel, Milchlaible, Mozart-Kugeln, Gummibären, Marzipan, Maxi-King, Maxi-Queen, Milchschnitte; some for baking such as Löffelbuisquits) | months to years | 148.15 € / 109 packages | |
Joghurt / Pudding / Sahne-Kefir / Milchreis (also as powder: Paradiesecreme) | 2 weeks (?)❄️ | 0.29 € / piece - 0.57 € / piece | 52.54 € / 178 piece |
Ice Cream (Eis Creme) | 2 years 🧊 | 1.30 € / ball (1 ball = 80g); 1.93 € / 500g | 29.16 € / 5369g |
Juice (Saft: Orangen-Nektar, Apfelsaft) | ? | Apple Juice: 0.77 € / 1 L; Orange Juice: 0.79 € / 1.5 L - 0.96 € / 1.5 L; Other Juice: 0.85 € / 1 L - 0.86 € / 1 L | 30.02 € / 52.0 L |
Fertiggericht (Pfannengericht; z.B. Nasi Goreng) | 2 months 🧊 | 1.79 € / package - 3.23 € / package | 27.00 € / 13 package |
Eiweiß | 18 months | 6.95 € / 350g | 20.85 € / 1000g |
Camembert | 2 months ❄️ | 1.99 € / 4 pieces | 17.78 € / 56 pieces |
Bakery Sweets (Teilchen; Bienenstichplunder) | 1 day | 14.14 € / 7 pieces | |
Savory (Chips, Nachos, Sauce for nachos, Bake Rolls, Cashew or other nuts) | 12.48 € / 12 packages | ||
Bakery non-sweet (Brezel) | 1 day | 6.15 / 11 pieces | |
Fried Onion (Röstzwiebeln) | 1 year | 0.76 € / 150g - 0.99 € / 150g | 5.31 € / 900g |
Natural Joghurt (Joghurt Pur) | 1 month ❄️ | 0.49 € / 500g to 0.75 € / 500g | 3.85 € / 3275g |
Trail Mix (Studentenfutter) | 6 Months | 1.89 € / 150g | 1.89 € / 150g |
Cheap Tea bags (Billige Teebeutel) | 1 year | 0.59 € / 25 pieces | 1.15 € / 50 pieces |
Expensive Tea bags (Teure Teebeutel) | 2 years | 1.65 € / 25 pieces - 1.75 € / 20 pieces | 3.40 € / 45 pieces |
Pickles (Cornichons) | 34 months | 0.96 € / 190g - 0.99 € / 190g | 13.83 € / 2660g |
Eggs (Eier) | 5 weeks | 1.29 € / 10 pieces | 12.82 € / 100 pieces |
Pizza (ready-made) | 1.54 € / 2 pieces - 2.59 € / 2 pieces | 6.72 € / 6 pieces | |
Canned Soup 🥫 (Dosensuppe, Thai-Suppe, Bihun-Suppe) | 33 months | 0.79 € / 400 ml | 6.62 € / 3200 ml |
Softdrinks (Eistee) | 2 months | 0.48 € / 1.5 L - 1.39 € / 1.5 L | 5.10 € / 10.5 L |
Wine (Wein) | 2.13 € / 0.75 L | 2.13 € / 0.75 L | |
Water (Wasser) | 1 year | 0.11 € / 0.5 L | 0.88 € / 4.0 L |
Malz | 1 year | 0.29 € / 0.5L | 0.54 € / 1.0L |
Milchgetränk / Joghurtgetränk / Joghurt-Drink | 1 week (needs ❄️) | 0.39 € / 250ml | 1.65 € / 1250ml |
Chili Sin Carne 🥫 | 3 years | 1.69 € / 800g | 1.69 € / 800g |
Raviolio 🥫 | 1.19 € / 800g | ||
Gulasch in der Dose 🥫 | 2 years | 1.15 € / 800g | 2.99 € / 400g (?) |
Ravioli in der Dose 🥫 | 1.15 € / 800g | ||
Bohneneintopf 🥫 | 0.96 € / 800g | ||
Zwieback | 11 months | 1.34 € / 450g | 4.72 € / 1800 g |
Leinsamen | 10 months | 1.25 € / 500g | 1.25 € / 500g |
Tomatenmark | 2 years | 0.49 € / 200g - 0.57 € / 200g | 2.04 € / 800g |
Geschälte Tomaten in der Dose | 0.38 € /240g - 0.39 € / 240g | 1.54 € / 960g | |
Zitronensaft | 6 months | 0.48 € / 200ml - 0.49 € / 200ml | 0.97 € / 400ml |
Semmelknödel | 1 year | 0.68 € / 200g - 0.69 € / 200g (6 pieces) | 3.44 € / 800g (30 pieces) |
Kartoffelknödelteig | 1 month | 1.29 € / 750g | 1.29 € / 750g |
Kartoffelsalat | 2 weeks | 1.89 € / 750g | 3.38 € / 1500g |
Müsli-Riegel (Granola) | 6 months | 0.99 € / 8 pieces (200 g) | 1.98 € / 16 pieces (200 g) |
Crutons | 18 months | 0.79 € / 25g | 2.23 € / 150g |
Ready-made pizza dough (Pizza Teig) | 1.15 € / 1 piece - 1.54 € / 1 piece | 2.69 € / 2 piece | |
Kloß-Teig | 0.99 € / package | 0.99 € / package | |
Kichererbsen in der Dose | 3 years | 0.89 € / 240g | 0.89 € / 240g |
Total | 458.0 € |
Hygiene and Cleaning ¶
Name | Price | Usage | Price / year | 2020 |
Razor blade (Gilette Sensor Excel) | 12.95 € for 10 | One per month | 15.54 € / year | 0 |
8x200 Toilet paper (3 layers) | 2.08 € / 1600 Blatt - 2.15 € / 1600 Blatt (6 rolls) | One Roll per week (?) | 14.02 € / year | 18.13 € / 12800 Blatt (42 rolls) |
Taschentücher | 1.85 € / 300 pieces | 1.85 € / 300 pieces | ||
Bambus Küchenrolle | 2.49 € / 20 pieces | 2.49 € / 20 pieces | ||
Küchenrolle | 1.50 € / 204 Blatt | 1.50 € / 204 Blatt | ||
Backpapier | 0.92 € / 30 Blatt | 0.92 € / 30 Blatt | ||
Toothbrush (Oral-B Pulsar Zahnbürste) | 3.45 € / piece | One per 3 months | 13.80 € / year | 17.25 € / 5 piece |
Toothpaste (Odol med 3 Zahnpasta) | 0.80 € / 75ml | 125ml per 80 days | 11.10 € / year | 2.40 € / 225ml (I started the year with about 380ml in Toothpaste... I don't think I will need to buy any) |
Face cleaning | 5.15 € | 5.15 € | ||
Mundspülung | 0.72 € / 500ml | 0.72 € / 500ml | ||
Shampoo (sebamed Anti-Schuppen) | 2.45 € / 200ml | 200ml / 60 days | 15.52 € / year | 9.80 € / 800ml |
Badesalz / Pulver | 0.93 € / piece | 1.86 € / 2 pieces | ||
Nosetstrips | 1.75 € / 3 pieces | 1.75 € / 3 pieces | ||
Soap (Seife) | 0.65 € for 500ml | 500ml per month (?) | 7.80 € / year | 1.51 € / 1500ml |
Washing agent (Waschmittel) | 2.46 € (0.13 € / Washing) - 2.75 € (0.14 € / Washing) | 1 wash / week | 7.17 € / year | 7.70 € / 3.3 L (60x Washing) |
Dishwasher Tabs (Geschirrreiniger) | 2.85€/40 pieces - 2.95 €/40 pieces to 2.95 €/65 pieces | 1 per 3 days (?) | 5.53 € / year | 8.52 € / 140 pieces |
Bad-Reiniger | 1.99 € / 750ml | |||
Rinsing Agent (Klarspüler) | 0.85 € / 1 L | 0.85 € / 1 L | ||
Dishwasher Salt (Spülmaschinensalz) | 0.70 € / 2kg | 0.70 € / 2kg | ||
Shaving cream | 2.25 € for 200ml | 200ml per 6 months (?) | 4.50 € / year | 0 |
25L garbage bags | 0.95 € for 25 pieces | 1 per week (?) | 1.99 € / year | 0 |
Spülmittel | 0.86 € / 0.5 L | 1.71 € / 1.5 L | ||
Spülbürste | 0.69 € per piece | 6 per year | 4.14 € / year | 0.69 € / 1 piece |
Radierschwamm | 1.89 € / 6 pieces | 1.89 € / 6 pieces | ||
Sonnencreme | 3.45 € / 200ml | 3.45 € / 200ml | ||
Rohrreiniger | 1.45 € / 1 L | 1.45 € / 1 L | ||
Nagelfeile | 2.95 € / piece | 2.95 € / 1 piece | ||
Luxury "Feeling-well" (Gesichtsmaske, Badesalz, ...) | 0.95 € / facial mask | 1.90 € / 2 piece | ||
Bildschirm / Display Reiniger (V7 VCL1623) | 6.49 € / 250ml | 6.49 € / 250ml | ||
Total | 32.50 € | - | 96.97 € / year | 99.13 € |
Medicine ¶
I have no idea how long you can have medicine. It is always printed on it, but for the stuff I have, I have no idea when I bought it. I guess, 2-3 years for pills and maybe a couple of months for creams and ointment.
Medicine | Usage | Durability | Price | Cost / Year | 2020 |
Ibuhexal Akut 400 | 4 years | 3.45 € / 10 pieces | 3.45 € / 10 pieces | ||
Em-eukal Gummidrops | 1 year 5 months | 1.65 € / 90g | 3.30 € / 180g | ||
Kinder Em-eukal | 1.15 € / 75g | 2.30 € / 150g | |||
Erkältungsbalsam | 2 years | 1.95 € / 75ml | 1.95 € / 75ml | ||
Vitamin C | 2 years | 0.35 € / 80g - 0.40 € / 80g | 2.35 € / 480g | ||
Magnesium (240mg/piece) | 2 years | 0.40 € / 78g | 0.40 € / 78g | ||
Multivitamin * | 2 years | 0.40 € / 86g | 0.40 € / 86g | ||
Clabin N 8g Lösung | 3 years | 9.97 € / 8g | 9.97 € / 8g | ||
Hühneraugen-Pflaster | 2.95 € / 5 pieces | ||||
Aspirin 500mg | 4 pieces / year | 4 years | 7.06 / 98 pieces | 1.77 € / year | 0 |
Paracetamol 500mg | 2 pieces / year | 2 years | 4.68 / 20 pieces | 2.34 € / year | 0 |
Total | 27.07 € |
Services ¶
Service | Price | Repetition | Price / year | 2020 |
Restaurant (private) | 15 € / person | 401.60 € / 25 people (14 times in total) | ||
GEZ / Rundfunkbeitrag | 17.50 € | Each month | 210.00 € / year | 210 € |
Public transportation - ÖPNV ticket (DB, Bahn, Reisen, FlixBus) | 79.10 € | Each month | 949.20 € / year | 161.50 € / 1514km |
Restaurant (work) | 157 € / 14 time (+ 3 times being invited) | |||
Hair Cut (Friseur) | 16 € / cut | Each 6 Weeks | 113.00 € / year | 97 € / 6 cuts |
Hotel | 87.5 € / 2 nights | |||
Urlaub (nicht Hotel, ÖPNV, Restaurant) | 18.20 € / 2 days | |||
Climbing (Klettern: Kletterwelt München) | 15.90 € / 1 time | |||
Hiking (Sleeping place, Food) | 72.00 € / 1 hike | |||
Food for Work (e.g. Semmel) | 2.30 € / 1 time | |||
Restaurant/Café (private, just drink) | 5.30 € / 1 person | |||
Bouldering | 600 € | Each year | 600.00 €/ year | 0 € |
Swimming (Schwimmen) | 6 € / 1 time | 12 € / 2 time | ||
SIM card | 8.95 € / month | Each month | 107.40 € / year | 0 € |
Privathaftpflichtversicherung (getsafe via check24) | 40.08 € | Each year | 40.08 € / year | 0 € |
Travel insurance (health) (ergo direkt) | 9.90 € | Each year | 9.90 € / year | 0 € |
Printing | 0.20 € / 2 bw-pages | |||
Total | 2029.58 € / year | 958.50 |
Leisure Time ¶
Name | 2020 |
Books bought (Amazon, ReBuy, Hugendubel) | 207.10 € / 14 books |
Movies | 3.99 € / 1 movie |
Total | 211.09 € |
- Tagebuch eines Killerbots (Martha Wells)
Corona-Stuff ¶
2020 was special due to Corona. I've bought a couple of things to deal with that. Some things were triggered by Corona, but also fit in another category. Others were paid by my employer. And I've got some presents as well.
Name | 2020 |
Handy Kamera-Stativ | 17.99 € / 1 piece |
Kondensator Mikrofon (FIFINE K670) | 45.99 € |
USB Hub from USB-C (for my Smartphone; QGeeM) | 14.44 € |
In-ear Headset (eo-ig955bsegww) | 9.99 € / 1 piece |
Haarschere Set | 20.59 € / 1 set |
Tageslichtlampe 10000 LUX (DZY) | 29.99 € / 1 piece |
Total | 138.99 € |
I bought a big amount of headsets as well. Here are some I sent back, because I didn't like them:
- LUDOS Ultra by Ludos Tech (13.57 €, 4.4 stars)
- AKG eo-ig955bsegww by RS Traders (9.99 €, 4.1 stars)
Other ¶
Name | 2020 |
Dates / Girlfriend | 355.65 € |
Presents to Friends / Family (Geschenke an Freunde / Familie) | 288.66 € |
External Harddrive HDD/SSD (WD My Passport 5 TB) ✨ | 127.06 € / 1 piece |
Dishwasher | 125.00 € |
WLAN Router (AVM Fritz!Box 7530) | 115.90 € / 1 piece |
16 GB RAM (DDR4, PC4-19200, Crucial) | 52.99 € / 1 piece |
Board Game / Card Game | 35.78 € / 3 games |
Moving | 35 € |
Aufbewahrungskiste (Rotho Country 18L, Kühlschrank Organizer) | 32.77 € / 5 piece |
Other | 30.26 € |
Standmixer (Russell Mix&Go ✨) | 29.23 / 1 piece |
Teekanne (Kela 11355 ✨) | 29.13 € / 1 piece |
Gewürzflaschen (Reapow Store) | 27.99 € / 20 pieces |
Diktiergerät | 26.99 € / 1 piece |
Handventilator (EasyAcc USB Faltbar) ✨ | 22.88 € / 2 piece |
Haushalt Vorhang Gardine | 20.90 € / 4.5m |
Thinkpad Notebook Ladegerät | 19.99 € / 1 piece |
Elektrische Moskito Fliegenklatsche / Zapper ✨ | 19.99 € / 1 piece |
Battery (9V) | 18.69 € / 5 pieces |
Haushalt Tischdecke | 12.99 € / 1 piece |
Akku Ladegerät for 9V, AA, AAA (EBL) | 11.09 € / 1 piece |
Batterietester (BT-168D) | 9.99 € / 1 piece |
HDMI-zu-DVI Adapter (1.83m) | 6.99 € / 1 piece |
Plants (Pflanzen, Pflanzentopf, ...) | 3.98 € / 2 piece |
Kerze | 3.98 € / 2 pieces |
Lack | 0.99 € |
Total | 1495.89 |