I've just received a letter that the Scipy community will write a "scipy 1.0" paper and is wondering who should be mentioned as an author. So they want to figure out who "really" contributed something. While I think this should be a manual process (and maybe just anybody who added a line of code / documentation / gave valuable feedback should be in the author list), I wondered how to do this automatically. So here are a few ways. To keep it short, I will crop the first ten.
Commit Count ¶
$ git shortlog -s -n --all --no-merges
2183 Pauli Virtanen
1565 Ralf Gommers
976 Travis Oliphant
893 David Cournapeau
708 Evgeni Burovski
705 Warren Weckesser
506 Pearu Peterson
484 Alex Griffing
376 Nathan Bell
363 @endolith
Add -e
for e-mails.
851 people in total. 13 people made more than 50% of the commits.
It would be really nice to have a waffle chart showing those numbers. so maybe to top 10 with name / initials, everybody with more than 100 commits in one group, everybody with more than 50 commits in another, just one commit in one group and the rest in another group.
Git Stats ¶
Install it via apt-get install gitstats
and execute gitstats . out
. Then
open out/index.html
in a browser.
Project name: scipy
Generated: 2019-06-19 19:00:08 (in 89 seconds)
Generator: GitStats (version 2015.10.03), git version 2.17.1, gnuplot 5.2 patchlevel 2
Report Period: 2001-02-01 09:32:30 to 2019-06-19 08:15:31
Age: 6713 days, 4227 active days (62.97%)
Total Files: 2545
Total Lines of Code: 778151 (3208814 added, 2430663 removed)
Total Commits: 21178 (average 5.0 commits per active day, 3.2 per all days)
Authors: 850 (average 24.9 commits per author)
Git Fame ¶
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev build-essential
$ pip install --user git-fame
$ git fame
Total commits: 21178
Total ctimes: 22524
Total files: 9415
Total loc: 277469
| Author | loc | coms | fils | distribution |
| Pauli Virtanen | 74162 | 2897 | 1236 | 26.7/13.7/13.1 |
| Abraham Escalante | 61316 | 94 | 27 | 22.1/ 0.4/ 0.3 |
| Travis Oliphant | 36595 | 977 | 665 | 13.2/ 4.6/ 7.1 |
| Andreas Kloeckner | 10942 | 12 | 48 | 3.9/ 0.1/ 0.5 |
| nmarais | 9974 | 4 | 87 | 3.6/ 0.0/ 0.9 |
| Ralf Gommers | 8543 | 2506 | 473 | 3.1/11.8/ 5.0 |
| Eric Moore | 8146 | 157 | 66 | 2.9/ 0.7/ 0.7 |
| Ian Henriksen | 4831 | 77 | 64 | 1.7/ 0.4/ 0.7 |
| Warren Weckesser | 4665 | 760 | 383 | 1.7/ 3.6/ 4.1 |
| Josh Wilson | 4568 | 302 | 155 | 1.6/ 1.4/ 1.6 |