3691 people are listed in the scoreboard, but 3851 tried the first problem. So I guess the number of contestants might even be higher.
- Problem 1 (Password Problem):
- Small Set: 3511/3851 users (91%)
- Large Set: 2329/3376 users (69%)
- Problem 2 (Kingdom Rush):
- Small Set: 1912/3466 users (55%)
- Large Set: 1617/1848 users (88%)
- Problem 3 (Cruise Control):
- Small Set: 65/312 users (21%)
- Large Set: 22/42 users (52%)
Just as last time, you can execute these scripts by
python jam.py < A-small-practice.in > results.txt
Passwords ¶
This works only for the small input set:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
def line2floatlist(line):
Convert integers in one line, separated by space to a list of integers.
list = line.split(" ")
numbers = [float(x) for x in list]
return numbers
def prob(A, B, probabilities):
typesMin = float("inf")
for i in range(0, A + 1):
probKorrect = 1.0
for el in probabilities[0 : (len(probabilities) - i)]:
probKorrect *= el
probWrong = 1.0 - probKorrect
remainingTypes = i + (B - A + i) + 1
remainingTypesErr = remainingTypes + B + 1
types = probKorrect * remainingTypes + probWrong * remainingTypesErr
# print types
if types < typesMin:
typesMin = types
if (1 + B + 1) < typesMin:
typesMin = 1 + B + 1
return round(typesMin, 6)
# return typesMin
if __name__ == "__main__":
testcases = input()
for caseNr in range(0, testcases):
A, B = raw_input().split(" ")
A = int(A)
B = int(B)
probabilities = line2floatlist(raw_input())
# print ((A+1), B)
# print probabilities
print("Case #%i: %.6lf" % (caseNr + 1, prob(A, B, probabilities)))
Kingdom Rush ¶
My solution works only for the small input set:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from copy import deepcopy
def line2intlist(line):
Convert integers in one line, separated by space to a
list of integers.
list = line.split(" ")
numbers = [int(x) for x in list]
return numbers
def isSolvable(starDict):
""" Is it possible to solve this one? """
intList = []
for index in starDict:
wasInFor = True
one, two = starDict[index]
for levelVar in range(0, len(intList)):
if levelVar < intList[levelVar]:
return False
return True
def king(starDict, myLevel=0, myCompetes=0, partially=[]):
somethingChanged = True
while somethingChanged:
removeList = []
somethingChanged = False
# all where i can do both
for index in starDict:
one, two = starDict[index]
if two <= myLevel:
somethingChanged = True
# remove them
for index in removeList:
myCompetes += 1
del starDict[index]
if index in partially:
myLevel += 1
myLevel += 2
if starDict:
minCompetes = float("inf")
for index in starDict:
one, two = starDict[index]
if one <= myLevel and (index not in partially):
starDictTmp = deepcopy(starDict)
partiallyTmp = deepcopy(partially)
tmpCompetes = king(
starDictTmp, myLevel + 1, myCompetes + 1, partiallyTmp
if tmpCompetes < minCompetes:
minCompetes = tmpCompetes
myCompetes = minCompetes
return myCompetes
if __name__ == "__main__":
testcases = input()
for caseNr in range(0, testcases):
levels = input()
stars = []
for i in range(0, levels):
# make stars dictionary
starDict = {}
level = 1
for el in stars:
starDict[level] = deepcopy(el)
level += 1
if not isSolvable(starDict):
print("Case #%i: Too Bad" % (caseNr + 1))
print("Case #%i: %s" % (caseNr + 1, king(starDict)))
Cruise Controll ¶
Only 22 people have a perfect solution for this one.
This is the solution of royf:
import itertools
import math
import numpy
def read_word(f):
return next(f).strip()
def read_int(f, b=10):
return int(read_word(f), b)
def read_letters(f):
return list(read_word(f))
def read_digits(f, b=10):
return [int(x, b) for x in read_letters(f)]
def read_words(f, d=" "):
return read_word(f).split(d)
def read_ints(f, b=10, d=" "):
return [int(x, b) for x in read_words(f, d)]
def read_arr(f, R, reader=read_ints, *args, **kwargs):
res = []
for i in range(R):
res.append(reader(f, *args, **kwargs))
return res
def solve(solver, fn, out_fn=None):
in_fn = fn + ".in"
if out_fn is None:
out_fn = fn + ".out"
with open(in_fn, "r") as fi:
with open(out_fn, "w") as fo:
T = read_int(fi)
for i in range(T):
case = read_case(fi)
res = solver(case)
write_case(fo, i, res)
def read_case(f):
N = read_int(f)
Cs = []
for i in range(N):
(C, S, P) = read_words(f)
Cs.append((C, int(S), int(P)))
return (N, Cs)
def write_case(f, i, res):
f.write("Case #%d: " % i)
f.write("%s" % res)
INF = float("inf")
import heapq
def solve_small(case):
(N, Cs) = case
col = []
for i in range(N):
(c1, s1, p1) = Cs[i]
for j in range(i + 1, N):
(c2, s2, p2) = Cs[j]
if s1 == s2:
if abs(p1 - p2) < 5:
heapq.heappush(col, (-1, True, i, j))
t1 = (p2 - p1 + 5) / (s1 - s2)
t2 = (p2 - p1 - 5) / (s1 - s2)
if t1 > t2:
(t1, t2) = (t2, t1)
if t2 < 0:
if t1 < 0:
t1 = -1
heapq.heappush(col, (t1, True, i, j))
heapq.heappush(col, (t2, False, i, j))
l = [None] * N
act = []
for i in range(N):
cnt = 0
while col:
(t, c, i, j) = heapq.heappop(col)
if c:
if t == -1:
l[i] = Cs[i][0] == "L"
l[j] = Cs[j][0] == "L"
if c:
if l[i] is None:
if l[j] is None:
l[i] = (cnt, True)
l[j] = (cnt, False)
cnt += 1
elif l[j] is True:
l[i] = False
elif l[j] is False:
l[i] = True
(k, b) = l[j]
l[i] = (k, not b)
elif l[i] is True:
if l[j] is None:
l[j] = False
elif l[j] is True:
return t
elif l[j] is False:
(k, b) = l[j]
for x in range(N):
if isinstance(l[x], tuple) and l[x][0] == k:
l[x] = b != l[x][1]
elif l[i] is False:
if l[j] is None:
l[j] = True
elif l[j] is True:
elif l[j] is False:
return t
(k, b) = l[j]
for x in range(N):
if isinstance(l[x], tuple) and l[x][0] == k:
l[x] = b == l[x][1]
(k, b) = l[i]
if l[j] is None:
l[j] = (k, not b)
elif l[j] is True:
for x in range(N):
if isinstance(l[x], tuple) and l[x][0] == k:
l[x] = b != l[x][1]
elif l[j] is False:
for x in range(N):
if isinstance(l[x], tuple) and l[x][0] == k:
l[x] = b == l[x][1]
(k_, b_) = l[j]
if k == k_:
if b == b_:
return t
for x in range(N):
if isinstance(l[x], tuple) and l[x][0] == k:
l[x] = (k_, not b ^ b_ ^ l[x][1])
else: # end col
if not act[i]:
l[i] = None
if not act[j]:
l[j] = None
return "Possible"
solve_large = solve_small
##def solve_large(case):
DEBUG = "i"
from run import *
See also ¶
- Wikipedia: Google Code Jam
- Google Code Jam Statistics