4230 tried the first problem, but only 3189 people are listed in the scoreboard.
- Problem 1 (Diamond Inheritance):
- Small Set: 3077/4230 users (73%)
- Large Set: 2387/3044 users (78%)
- Problem 2 (Out of Gas):
- Small Set: 471/766 users (61%)
- Large Set: 73/253 users (29%)
- Problem 3 (Box Factory):
- Small Set: 1071/1810 users (59%)
- Large Set: 308/788 users (39%)
Diamond Inheritance ¶
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import psyco
testcases = input()
def line2intlist(line):
list = line.split(" ")
numbers = [int(x) for x in list]
return numbers
def getAnswer(classDict, N):
for startPoint in range(1, N):
reachable = [startPoint]
justAppended = [startPoint]
while len(justAppended) > 0:
newJustAppended = []
for node in justAppended:
for new in classDict[node]:
if new in reachable:
return "Yes"
justAppended = newJustAppended
return "No"
for i in range(0, testcases):
N = input()
classDict = {}
for classNr in range(1, N + 1):
liste = line2intlist(raw_input())
classDict[classNr] = liste[1:]
print("Case #%i: %s" % (i + 1, getAnswer(classDict, N)))
See also ¶
- Wikipedia: Google Code Jam
- Google Code Jam Statistics