Once in a while I think it is time to reduce the damage being done by the loss of a USB stick.

Remove all data ¶
Find the USB stick on your Linux system with fdisk -l
. Make super sure that
you really got the stick (e.g. by removing it and executing the command again).
It should be something like /dev/sdb1
The following command will overwrite the data on the stick 5 times:
$ shred -f -n 5 /dev/sdX
This may take several minutes even for very small USB sticks.
Format the stick ¶
Start gparted
and use the GUI.
See also: How to format a USB flash drive?
In case I lose the stick, adding a README.txt makes with a way to contact me makes it most likely that I get the stick back.
Dieser USB-Stick ging verloren.
Mein Name ist Martin Thoma. Sie können mich per E-Mail unter
info@martin-thoma.de erreichen.
This USB-Stick was lost.
My name is Martin Thoma. You can contact me via e-mail: info@martin-thoma.de