Detexify ¶
The easiest way to search for a math symbol is Detexify. This webservices allows you to draw the symbol. It looks like this:

Symbol tables ¶
Arrows ¶
→ | \rightarrow | ← | \leftarrow | ⇒ | \Rightarrow | ⇐ | \Leftarrow |
↔ | \leftrightarrow | ⇔ | \Leftrightarrow | ⇏ | \nRightarrow | \nrightarrow | \nrightarrow |
\leadsto | \leadsto | \mapsto | \mapsto | . | . | . | . |
Greek ¶
\alpha | \alpha | \beta | \beta | \gamma | \gamma | \delta | \delta |
\zeta | \zeta | \eta | \eta | \theta | \theta | \epsilon, \varepsilon | \epsilon, \varepsilon |
\iota | \iota | \kappa | \kappa | \lambda | \lambda | \mu | \mu |
\nu | \nu | \xi | \xi | o | o | \pi | \pi |
\rho | \rho | \sigma | \sigma | \tau | \tau | \upsilon | \upsilon |
\phi | \phi | \chi | \chi | \psi | \psi | \omega, \Omega | \omega, \Omega |
\Phi | \Phi | \varphi | \varphi | . | . | . | . |
\Lambda | \Lambda | \Delta | \Delta | . | . | . | . |
Operations ¶
\cdot | \cdot | \oplus | \oplus | \times | \times | \nabla | \nabla |
\pm | \pm | \mp | \mp | \cup | \cup | \cap | \cap |
Relations ¶
\approx | \approx | \sim | \sim | \cong | \cong | \neq | \neq |
Calligraphic Letters ¶
\cal{O} | \cal{O} | \mathfrak{M} | \mathfrak{O} | \mathfrak{R} | \mathfrak{R} |
Sets ¶
\mathbb{N} | \mathbb{N} | \mathbb{Z} | \mathbb{Z} | \mathbb{R} | \mathbb{R} | \mathbb{C} | \mathbb{C} |
\mathbb{A} | \mathbb{A} | \cap | \cap | \cup | \cup | \in | \in |
\subseteq | \subseteq | \subsetneq | \subsetneq | \notin | \notin | \bigcup | \bigcup |
Other ¶
You might need \qed
, \qedsymbol
, \blacksquare
for proofs. It is the Tombstone \blacksquare
I've recently needed \dots, \ddots, \vdots (\dots
, \ddots
, \vdots
) for a visualization in a matrix. Note that you can write ... instead of \dots
, but you'll lose the semantics.
See also ¶
- List of symbols - 164 pages of symbols
- Displaying a formula