Maps are one of the most useful datastructures in C++ and there is no excuse for not knowing it.
Here is a basic example that shows how you can use it:
#include <iostream> // cout
#include <string>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
int main() {
map<string, string> phonebook;
// Put some stuff in it
phonebook["Martin"] = "(0123) 45 678";
phonebook["Alice"] = "+(13) 37 0000";
phonebook["Bob"] = "+(13) 37 0000";
phonebook["Charlie"] = "Alice";
// Look stuff up
cout << "The phone number of Alice is "
<< phonebook["Alice"] << endl;
cout << "Number of phone book entries: "
<< phonebook.size() << endl;
// Print everything
cout << "Iterate over all phonebook entries: " << endl;
for(map<string,string>::iterator it=phonebook.begin();
it!=phonebook.end(); ++it) {
cout << "\t" << (*it).first << ": " << (*it).second << endl;
// Check if entry exists:
string person = "Bob";
cout << "Does " << person << " have a phone number ?" << endl;
map<string,string>::iterator it = phonebook.find(person);
if(it != phonebook.end()) {
//element found:
cout << "\t" << "Yes! His number is: " << it->second << endl;
} else {
cout << "\t" << "No." << endl;
See also ¶
- Wikipedia: Map (Computer Science)
- C++ Reference: general information and example
- Map is ordered collection (source)