Natural language processing (NLP) is a scientific field which deals with language in textual form.
- Classification:
- Is an e-mail spam or not?
- Topic: Is it about sports, science or religion?
- Language: Is it English, German or French?
- Sentence boundary: Is a character the boundary of a sentence or not?
- Author:
- Identify the author from a given set of authors
- Age of the author
- Gender of the author
- Sentiment analysis (Opinion mining, opinion extraction, sentiment mining, subjectivity analysis)
- Machine Translation (MT): Given a text in language A, return the same content in language B.
- Similarity calculation: Given a corpus of n texts and one text A as
input, find passages of the corpus which are similar to passages of A. This
can be used to detect if students copied content / copyright violation.
- Minimum Edit Distance
- Spelling correction: Find places where the grammar / writing needs to be fixed.
- Word sense disambiguation: If "mouse" is in a sentence, is it about the computer mouse or the animal.
- POS Tagging: Detect adjectives, verbs, nouns in a sentence.
- Summarization / Paraphrasing
- Information extraction: For example, find the date in a calender
application when the user enters the name of the event. Or dates in an e-mail
in order to allow users to create a calender date.
- Named Entity Recognition (NER):
- Find names in a text
- Classify names into names of places, people, organizations and non-names.
- Relation Extraction
- Named Entity Recognition (NER):
- Compound splitting: For German, "Donaudampfschiffskapitän" can be split into the compounds "Donau" (a river) "dampfschiff" (steam boat) and "kapitän" (captain).
Sentiment analysis
Find out how users feel about something.
Sentiment Lexicons are compared by Christopher Potts ("Sentiment Tutorial", 2011):
- General Inquirer is free for research use
- List of categories
- Positive (1915 words) and negative (2291 words)
- strong vs weak, active vs passive, overstated vs understated
- pleasure, pain, virtue, vice, motivation, cognitive orientation, ...
- Spreadsheet
- List of categories
- LIWC - Linguistic Inquiry and Word count: 30 US-Dollar or 90 US-Dollar fee
- 2300 words, more than 70 classes
- affective process (negative and positive emotion)
- cognitive processes: Tentative (maybe, perhaps, guess), Inhibition (block, constraint)
- Pronouns, Negation (no, never), Quantifiers (few, many)
- Bing Liu Opinion Lexicon
- 6786 words (2006 positive, 4783 negative)
- SentiWordNet
Positivity of a word can be infered from reviews. Reviews with many stars should have positive words, reviews with only one or two stars should have negative words.
Text generation
Generate text in a given style / tone.
- Andrej Karpathy: The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks
Named Entity Recognition
Named entities are sequences of word tokens. Each word token can either be other (O), the beginning of a namend entity (B) or the continuation of a named entity (I):
IO-encoding IOB-encoding
gives O O
Charlies PER B-PER
's O O
table O O
#NER 2 3
IOB encoding
Relation Extraction
- ACE (Automated Content Extraction): 17 relations from 2007 "Relation Extraction Task"
- UMLS (Unified Medical Language System): 134 entity types, 54 relations
One approach is taking seed relations to find language patterns. For example, a
seed relation could be BORN-IN(Albert Einstein, Ulm)
. Now find all sentences
in a corpus which contain "Albert Einstain" and "Ulm". You might find find
patterns like:
- Albert Einstein, born in Ulm, ...
- Albert Einstein (1879, Ulm) ...
- One son of Ulm is Albert Einstein.
Now you can extract language patterns:
- X, born in Y, ...
- X (?, Y), ...
- One son of Y is X.
Unsupervised Information Extraction (or Open Information Extraction) does not start with given relations or training data. The textrunner algorithm is one way to do it.
Data sources and Corpora
Thesaurus: WordNet
- Wikipedia
- News websites
- Amazon Reviews
- AP Newswire
- IMDB: Polarity data 2.0 (sentiment analysis)
- Reuters newswire dataset
- DBPedia: 1 billion RDF triples
- Freebase: many relations
Name | Tokens | Types |
Switchboard phone conversations | 2 400 000 | 20 000 |
Shakespeare | 884 000 | 31 000 |
Google N-Grams | 1 000 000 000 000 | 13 000 000 |
bAbI | ? | ? |
- NLTK: The natural language toolkit. Written in Python, for Python. (Book)
- SpaCy: According to reddit, it is cleaner than NLTK but less complete.
- TextBlob: A simple to start toolkit for Python.
- CoreNLP: Faster than NLTK (source?), written in Java, Python wrappers available
- gensim: topic modeling and document similarity analysis
- fasttext: a classifier on top of a sentence2vec model
- DeepText: an NLP engine
- Tensorflow
Terminology / Methods
- Backoff: Use trigram if possible. If not, backoff to bigram (or unigram). Alternatively, use interpolation of trigram, bigram and unigram
- Filled pauses: "uh" in English or "ähm" in German
- Fragment: A part of a word (e.g. if you transcribe spoken text and somebody stutters)
- Lemma: Two words belong to the same lemma if they have the same stem, belong to the same POS and have the same meaning.
- Lexer: One type of tokenizer
- Maxent classifiers
- n-gram model: Model language by counting word-tuples of length n.
- Naive Bayes
- OOV: Out of vocabulary,
token - Porters Algorithms
- Regular expressions (see to test)
- sentence2vec: Similar to word2vec.
- Statistical parsing
- Stemming: Bring a word in a normed form (the stem). Mostly for verbs.
- Tokenization: Segment the text into tokens.
- Tokenizer: Splits a text into tokens.
- Viterbi Algorithm
- word2vec: Embedd any word in a (high-dimensional) vector space. Allows vector arithmetic.
More might me in my ML Glossary.
A common task in NLP is estimating the probability of a word given some other words: \(P(w_i | w_{i-1}, w_{i-2})\). You can do that by counting n-grams \((w_{i-2}, w_{i-1}, w_{i})\):
But you will quite often have the case that you did not see a 3-gram. How do you deal with that?
Smoothing is the answer. The simplest method is Laplace Smoothing (aka Add-one smoothing).
How do you deal with words you've never seen? The Good-Turing smoothing method uses things you've seen once to estimate things you've never seen:
when \(c\) bekomes "large" (depends on the dataset), just replace \(N_c\) by a best-fit power law.
Other smoothing methods
- Interpolated Kneser-Ney
- Good-Turing Smoothing
- Stupid backoff: For very large N-grams
Another important concept is the continuation probability. While some words (like "a", "to", "the", ...) can be followed / preceeded by many different words, others (like "San", "Angelo", "D.C.", "United States of", ...). The continuation probability quantifies how likely it is that a word is continued by something novel. Putting this together with absolute discounting gives the Kneser-Ney Smoothing algorithm:
where \(\lambda \in \mathbb{R}\) weights how important the continuation probability is,
Data structures
- Bloom filter: a space-efficient probabilistic data structure that is used to test whether an element is a member of a set
- Trie: A prefix-tree
- KIT: The ASR course has some NLP content
- Reddit: /r/LanguageTechnology
- StackExchange:
- Online Courses:
- Coursera: Introduction to Natural Language Processing
- Stanford: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning
- Dan Jurafsky and Chris Manning on YouTube: Stanford NLP
- Oxford: Lecture Notes
- Machine Translation
- NLP for Hackers