Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic.
Getting there ¶
I chose to get to Prague by bus as it's only about 390km by car / bus. I recommend to have a look at to find a good bus, although the market is dominated by Flixbus.
Getting to Prague:
06:40 ab Home, MetroBus 56 direction Fürstenried West
06:46 an Pasing Bf, Gleis 9
06:53 ab Pasing, S3 direction Holzkirchen, Gleis 5/6
07:01 an Hackerbrücke, Gleis 1
07:07 an Munich, ZOB
07:35 ab Munich, ZOB, BUS 42050
12:40 an Praha hl.n.
12:59 ab Central Station, "C" Letňany (4 stations: Florenc, )
13:07 an Kobylisy
13:12 an Hotel Aida, Kubišova 1953/23, 182 00 Praha 8
Getting back from Prague to Munich:
17:15 ab Praha hl.n., Bus 42057
21:55 an Munich ZOB
22:19 ab Hackerbrücke, Gleis 2 mit S3 Mammendorf
22:27 an Pasing, Gleis 7/8
22:34 ab Pasing, Bstg. 2, 56 Schloss Blutenburg
Packing List ¶
- For the bus trip (for one person):
- 1 banana
- 1 apple
- 2 small bottles of water
- 4 slices of bread (chreese and sausage)
- 1 package Muesli rigel
- 1 package disinfecting tissues
- 3 packages tissues
- Oranization
- Tickets for the jorney (both: to prague and back)
- Hotel booking (Hotel AIDA in my case)
- Money (cash, at least 320 CZK for a 3 day ticket)
- ID-card / passport
- Clothes
- Underwear
- Sleeping clothes
- Hygiene
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Shampoo
Money ¶
The Czech Republic has the Czech koruna (CZK). I always try to have a bit of non-electronic money in case something goes wrong. It was super hard to get CZK in Munich with Sparkasse. I went to Marienplatz only to be told that I'm a customer of "Sparkasse Karlsruhe" so I have to pay 5 EUR. For them, it's as if I'm not a customer of Sparkasse at all. Very disapointing.
So I went to Reisebank at HBF Munich. No long lines, but I had to pay a fee of 3.78 EUR. They applied an exchange rate of 0.0445714, whereas Google 1 CZK in EUR shows 0.0392576328 EUR, which means they demand 14% more money.
For N26, withdrawing another currenzy seems to be free (source)? Let's see...
Public Transportation ¶
See 310 CZK for a 3-day ticket.
Exploring the City ¶
In the city: