Blender is an open source software that allows you to create animations. The Blender Foundation is a non-profit organization that helps to develop blender.
To improve Blender, they have created movies. In that process, developers and movie makers sat in one room. So when the movie makers had a problem or discovered a bug, the developers could see and eventually fix that.
By now, they have create four short movies. These movies are DRM-free, free to use and ... well, you can basically do what you want with them:
Project Glooseberry is an attempt to create a full length movie. Here is a first trailer:
But creating movies is quite cost intensive. A lot of people are involved and a lot of processing power is needed to create those animations. So the Blender Foundation has started a Crowdfunding Campaign.
- You can pledge what you want. I've pledged 5 Euros.
- When you pay via PayPal and they don't manage to get the 500 000 Euro they aim for, you get your money back.
- The campaign ends on April 19th 2014.
Current campaign status ¶
You can see the current campaign status here.
By now (25th of March, 13:37) there are 809 people that supported this campaign and 65,780 Euro were pledged.
Let me know in comments when you supported the campaing: support now.