I've created an introductory post where I looked at the packages meta data in a very superficial way.
In the second post I analyzed the relationships between packages by looking at a dependency graph.
Now, in the beginning of 2020, I've updated the code and ran my analysis again. Have fun 🙂
Out of 208 492 packages, only 176 107 packages are used.
There are 90,682 authors of Python packages. The ten most active authors are:
Author | Created packages |
8948 | |
UNKNOWN | 1399 |
The Guardians | 1140 |
Tecnativa, Odoo Community Association (OCA) | 554 |
OpenStack | 466 |
hfpython | 460 |
Paul Sokolovsky | 450 |
Microsoft Corporation | 394 |
Eficent, Odoo Community Association (OCA) | 329 |
Akretion,Odoo Community Association (OCA) | 290 |
Maximum length
Column | NULL values | Maximum Length | Entry |
name | 0 | 80 | Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaasa-aaaaaaasa-aaaaasaa-aaaaaaasa-bbbbbbbbbbb |
version | 560 | 70 | 1.0dev-BZR-r115-panta-elasticworld.org-20100520155735-sf3yrsr0pvyvlm8m |
stable_version | 560 | 7 | UNKNOWN |
release_url | 560 | 128 | https://pypi.org/project/softwarefabrica.django.appserver/1.0dev-BZR-r10-panta-elasticworld.org-20091023132843-vitk6k7e5qlvhej5/ |
package_url | 560 | 106 | https://pypi.org/project/Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaasa-aaaaaaasa-aaaaasaa-aaaaaaasa-bbbbbbbbbbb/ |
bugtrack_url | 560 | 4 | None |
summary | 7717 | 210 | 采集百度手机卫士 360手机卫士 搜狗号码通三个平台对手机号码的标注信息. 1.1.0: 加入搜狗API采集方式,但与从网页采集结果是一致的。 1.2.0:采用多线程,将不同源分开采集,避免互相影响。 1.3.1:加入命令行工具,加入对IP的处理工具。 1.3.3:可以使用--file xxx.csv 命令指定文件。 1.3.4:改用百度和360手机版本,减少下载量;尝试遇到反爬退出。 1.3.5:完善使用代理下载。 |
home_page | 17927 | 150 | ... |
author | 8948 | 255 | ['Diemer, Jens', 'Hall, Dave', 'van der Boor, Diederik', 'Chainz, Adam', 'Cornehl, Denis', 'Fahed, Sami', 'Hoppe, Johannes', 'Iakovlev, Maksim', 'Lagovas', 'Larin, Nikita', 'Lavin, Mark', 'Lisák, Peter', 'Marques de Araújo, Rodrigo Pinheiro', 'Mihelac, Bo |
author_email | 16619 | 255 | [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] |
license | 44374 | 255 | Copyright © 2012 Kenan Yildirim.[...] |
keywords | 92634 | 4033 | algorithmic,algotrading,altcoin,altcoins,api,arbitrage,backtest,backtesting,bitcoin,bot,... |
requires_python | 112090 | 94 | >=2.7, >=2.7.1, !=3.0, !=3.0.*, !=3.1, !=3.1.*, !=3.2, !=3.2.*, !=3.3, !=3.3.*, !=3.4, !=3.4.* |
maintainer | 140232 | 145 | Brian Drawert, Kevin Sanft, Sean Matthew, George Hall, Dalton Nickerson, Samuel Hodges, Emma Weisgerber, Eliot Dixon, Ghilman Brock, W.R. Jackson |
maintainer_email | 140745 | 137 | [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] |
platform | 126048 | 255 | [spam] |
download_url | 129479 | 183 | softwarefabrica.django.appserver |
I recommend to use the Operating System ::
and Environment ::
Trove Classifiers.
Goes in line with PEP 345
Platform | Count |
126048 | |
UNKNOWN | 61530 |
ANY | 12163 |
LINUX | 1644 |
ALL | 1146 |
OS Independent | 1018 |
None | 494 |
Windows | 493 |
POSIX | 458 |
Posix; MacOS X; Windows | 340 |
UNIX | 238 |
Aix | 152 |
Platform Independent | 130 |
MacOS X | 102 |
POSIX,Windows | 71 |
WIN32 | 61 |
Cross Platform | 53 |
GNU/Linux | 51 |
Independent | 49 |
Posix; MacOS X | 46 |
License | Count |
MIT | 53876 |
44374 | |
UNKNOWN | 17531 |
BSD | 14056 |
MIT LICENSE | 8221 |
GPL | 5720 |
AGPL-3 | 5680 |
GPLV3 | 3902 |
APACHE 2.0 | 3340 |
APACHE LICENSE 2.0 | 2587 |
What is currently the biggest Python package?
Package | Release Number | Size |
mxnet-cu90 | 1.6.0b20200104 | 600MB |
mxnet-cu92 | 1.6.0b20200104 | 598MB |
de422 | 2009.1 | 545MB |
mxnet-cu101mkl | 1.6.0b20191125 | 531MB |
mxnet-cu101 | 1.6.0b20191125 | 496MB |
cntk-gpu | 2.7 | 493MB |
mxnet-cu100mkl | 1.6.0b20191125 | 490MB |
mxnet-cu100 | 1.6.0b20191125 | 454MB |
mxnet-cu92mkl | 1.6.0b20191118 | 452MB |
mxnet-cu90mkl | 1.6.0b20191115 | 427MB |
mxnet-cu91mkl | 1.3.1b20180926 | 389MB |
h2o4gpu | 0.3.2 | 366MB |
tensorflow-gpu | 2.1.0rc2 | 357MB |
tensorflow | 2.1.0rc2 | 356MB |
mxnet-cu91 | 1.3.1b20180926 | 346MB |
It is strange, that the deep learning frameworks are way bigger than the rest. I've tried to find a Stackoverflow Question.
Package type
License | Count |
sdist | 180,307 |
bdist_wheel | 106,515 |
bdist_egg | 8,150 |
bdist_wininst | 1201 |
bdist_dumb | 804 |
bdist_rpm | 44 |
bdist_msi | 33 |
bdist_dmg | 4 |
Going through the downloaded files, I see:
- 157,395× tar.gz
- 28,653× whl
- 8,815× zip
- 3,925× egg
- 208× tar.bz2
Build Systems
- Total Packages Analyzed: 198,996
- Packages which have a
: 148,222 - Packages which have a
: 2,957 - Packages which have a
and apyproject.toml
: 1027
Out of the 148,222 packages, the following number of packages have the given sections:
- 143,724× egg_info
- 24,972× metadata
- 15,693× bdist_wheel
- 9,613× flake8
- 6,722× aliases
- 5,727× tool:pytest
- 4,312× wheel
- 3,239× bumpversion
- 2,801× bumpversion:file:setup.py
- 2,520× options
- 2,511× nosetests
- 2,447× build_sphinx
- 2,176× isort
- 1,679× files
- 1,588× coverage:run
- 1,392× versioneer
- 1,140× upload_sphinx
- 1,038× entry_points
- 143,701× tag_build
- 143,680× tag_date
- 51,925× tag_svn_revision
- 18,844× description-file
- 4,237× name
- 3,963× author
- 3,452× license_file
- 2,809× license
- 2,596× description
- 2,481× url
- 2,471× classifiers
- 2,217× long_description
- 2,048× version
- 1,965× author_email
- 1,869× keywords
- 1,842× author-email
- 1,758× summary
- 1,589× home-page
- 1,574× classifier
- 1,195× long_description_content_type
- 15,137× universal
- 369× python-tag
- 144× azure-namespace-package
- 6,823× exclude
- 5,229× max-line-length
- 3,975× ignore
- 1,288× max-complexity
- 4,989× test
- 773× release
- 200× docs
- 174× dev
- 127× dists
- 3,395× addopts
- 1,611× testpaths
- 1,355× norecursedirs
- 1,002× python_files
- 4,234× universal
- 3,237× current_version
- 3,099× commit
- 3,083× tag
- 219× tag_name
- 163× parse
- 160× serialize
- 2,129× search
- 2,120× replace
- 1,985× packages
- 1,932× install_requires
- 1,106× include_package_data
- 1,029× zip_safe
- 995× python_requires
- 742× setup_requires
- 442× package_dir
- 293× tests_require
- 164× scripts
- 161× py_modules
- 1,514× cover-package
- 1,167× with-coverage
- 1,072× verbosity
- 2,049× source-dir
- 2,013× build-dir
- 1,845× all_files
- 1,659× line_length
- 1,302× multi_line_output
- 1,136× known_first_party
- 1,092× not_skip
- 865× default_section
- 849× include_trailing_comma
- 673× skip
- 603× force_single_line
- 553× combine_as_imports
- 508× lines_after_imports
- 424× known_third_party
- 377× sections
- 349× force_grid_wrap
- 339× forced_separate
- 298× use_parentheses
- 251× force_alphabetical_sort
- 203× indent
- 154× atomic
- 150× known_standard_library
- 150× known_django
- 126× order_by_type
- 108× lines_between_types
- 101× skip_glob
- 1,565× packages
- 203× data_files
- 846× branch
- 840× omit
- 830× source
- 162× include
- 1,388× vcs
- 1,386× tag_prefix
- 1,385× versionfile_source
- 1,345× style
- 1,325× versionfile_build
- 983× parentdir_prefix
- 1,138× upload-dir
- 707× console_scripts
- 143× oslo.config.opts
- 605× console_scripts
- 504× exclude_lines
- 468× show_missing
- 178× omit
- 156× fail_under
- 124× precision
- 108× ignore_errors
- 100× skip_covered
- 255× testing
- 243× test
- 229× docs
- 219× dev
- 137× tests
- 452× addopts
- 329× norecursedirs
- 230× python_files
- 507× max-line-length
- 316× ignore
- 221× exclude
- 448× where
- 427× exclude
- 633× output_file
- 448× keywords
- 355× mapping_file
- 242× width
- 240× add_comments
- 105× msgid_bugs_address
- 101× copyright_holder
- 621× formats
- 708× directory
- 626× domain
- 219× statistics
- 604× domain
- 603× input_file
- 602× output_dir
- 215× previous
- 391× max-line-length
- 274× ignore
- 231× exclude
- 644× ignore
- 289× zip_ok
- 461× ignore_missing_imports
- 215× check_untyped_defs
- 201× disallow_untyped_defs
- 170× warn_unused_ignores
- 155× strict_optional
- 154× python_version
- 154× warn_redundant_casts
- 129× warn_unused_configs
- 121× no_implicit_optional
- 119× disallow_untyped_calls
- 116× disallow_incomplete_defs
- 112× follow_imports
- 108× warn_return_any
- 324× create-wheel
- 120× python-file-with-version
- 309× setup-hooks
- 394× upload-dir
- 142× show-response
- 440× template
- 216× requires
- 194× doc_files
- 155× release
- 124× packager
- 283× domain
- 283× input_file
- 281× output_dir
- 157× warnerrors
- 125× ignore
- 105× add_ignore
- 211× based_on_style
- 198× column_limit
- 107× dedent_closing_brackets
- 121× *
- 248× formats
- 225× no-vcs
- 120× extras
- 117× optimize
- 163× directory
- 2,524× build-system
- 2,409× tool
- 2,524× requires
- 2,173× build-backend
- 1,511× poetry
- 590× black
- 444× flit
- 163× towncrier
- 159× isort
Which filenames appear in many packages?
The following is a count of all filenames. If one package has a particular filename often, it will bubble up higher in this list. I did remove some as I think they are not relevant:
- 641,194× init: 608,289× init.py, 16,628× init.pyc, 4,238× init.cpython-36.pyc, 3,027× init.cpython-37.pyc, 1,897× init.cpython-35.pyc, 1,471× init.pyi, 1,278× init.cpython-38.pyc, 1,036× init.cpython-34.pyc, 665× .init_.py, 622× init__$py.class, 532× init.pypy3-510.pyc, 382× init.py_tmpl, 284× init.pxd, 266× init.cpython-33.pyc, 162× init.data.json, 162× init.meta.json, 128× init.cpython-32.pyc, 127× init.pyo
- 510,292× Package: 148,723× SOURCES.txt, 148,622× dependency_links.txt, 107,514× requires.txt, 51,390× entry_points.txt, 45,710× not-zip-safe, 8,333× zip-safe
- 313,683× PKG-INFO
- 294,148× Web: 19,434× index.html, 12,759× index.js, 8,220× Main.js, 4,348× base.html, 2,470× editor_plugin.js, 2,403× style.css, 2,400× editor_plugin_src.js, 2,386× jquery.js, 2,356× MathMenu.js, 2,351× FontWarnings.js, 2,344× HelpDialog.js, 2,292× MathML.js, 2,292× HTML-CSS.js, 2,292× TeX.js, 2,014× bootstrap.min.css, ...
- 250,185× Translations: 35,953× django.mo, 33,291× django.po, 5,087× es.po, 4,967× fr.po, 4,669× de.po, 4,087× pt_BR.po, 4,079× sl.po, 3,828× it.po, 3,360× zh_CN.po, 3,347× nl.po, 3,343× hr.po, 3,229× ca.po, 3,219× djangojs.po, 3,175× fi.po, 3,159× djangojs.mo, 3,147× tr.po, 3,004× pt.po, 2,656× ru.po, 2,646× ro.po, 2,500× hu.po, 2,482× ar.po, 2,464× pl.po, 2,457× gl.po, 2,395× cs.po, 2,295× bg.po, 2,271× sv.po, 2,267× lt.po, 2,187× zh_TW.po, 2,106× nb.po, 2,083× ja.po, 2,083× mk.po, 2,064× et.po, 2,056× sk.po, 2,055× nl_NL.po, 2,038× mn.po, 2,015× es_CR.po, 2,009× hr_HR.po, 2,007× es_MX.po, ...
- 248,156× Images: 7,141× icon.png, 2,360× favicon.ico, 1,597× 0020.png, 1,596× 00A0.png, 1,579× file.png, 1,516× logo.png, 1,503× plus.png, ...
- 177,525× top_level.txt
- 169,056× README: 77,667× README.md, 59,883× README.rst, 12,849× README.txt, 10,912× README, 2,861× readme.rst, 2,419× readme.md, 1,365× readme.txt, 832× Readme.md, 268× Readme.txt
- 168,289× setup.py
- 148,752× setup.cfg
- 71,267× LICENSE: 46,717× LICENSE, 15,570× LICENSE.txt, 2,192× LICENSE.GPL, 1,984× LICENSE.md, 1,313× LICENSE.rst, 1,254× license, 839× license.txt, 812× license.rst, 298× License.txt, 152× LICENSE.TXT, 136× license.md
- 67,659× MANIFEST.in
- 59,266× *.json: 14,198× metadata.json, 12,301× package.json, 4,395× pbr.json, 3,890× manifest.json, 2,144× bower.json, 1,808× service-2.json, 1,714× paginators-1.json, 1,623× data.json, ...
- 32,294× utils.py
- 28,914× METADATA
- 28,883× WHEEL
- 28,872× RECORD
- 26,432× YAML: 7,486× main.yml, 6,285× .travis.yml, 1,672× main.yaml, 1,404× index.yaml, 745× appveyor.yml, 704× command.yaml, 680× services.yaml, 650× .readthedocs.yml, 560× config.yml, 446× config.yaml, 446× cli.yaml, 423× docker-compose.yml, 394× .pre-commit-config.yaml, 337× .zuul.yaml, 298× post.yaml, 279× .gitlab-ci.yml, 254× run.yaml, 245× environment.yml, 217× Chart.yaml, 205× snapcraft.yaml, 200× basic.yaml, ...
- 25,421× C / C++ Files: 591× config.hpp, 564× main.cpp, 504× main.c, 494× list.hpp, 467× vector.hpp, 419× set.hpp, 407× map.hpp, 364× bind.hpp, 354× deque.hpp, 325× less.hpp, 322× less_equal.hpp, 320× greater.hpp, 315× greater_equal.hpp, 306× and.hpp, 305× equal_to.hpp, 295× iterator.hpp, 293× placeholders.hpp, 292× apply.hpp, 291× plus.hpp, 288× size.hpp, 288× or.hpp, 288× not_equal_to.hpp, 283× arg.hpp, 273× minus.hpp, 268× bitand.hpp, 267× fold_impl.hpp, 263× bitor.hpp, 261× template_arity.hpp, 259× bitxor.hpp, 259× times.hpp, 254× divides.hpp, 254× apply_wrap.hpp, 254× quote.hpp, 254× bind_fwd.hpp, 254× apply_fwd.hpp, 254× full_lambda.hpp, 254× lambda_no_ctps.hpp, 253× iter_fold_impl.hpp, 253× reverse_fold_impl.hpp, 253× advance_forward.hpp, 253× advance_backward.hpp, 253× iter_fold_if_impl.hpp, 248× inherit.hpp, 246× modulus.hpp, 246× reverse_iter_fold_impl.hpp, 245× unpack_args.hpp, 244× set_c.hpp, 244× shift_left.hpp, 244× vector_c.hpp, 244× list_c.hpp, 244× shift_right.hpp, 244× basic_bind.hpp, 220× tuple.hpp, 202× empty.hpp, ...
- 24,572× models.py
- 22,086× requirements: 16,709× requirements.txt, 1,448× test-requirements.txt, 1,012× requirements-dev.txt, 462× dev-requirements.txt, 418× requirements-test.txt, 357× test_requirements.txt, 347× requirements_dev.txt, 240× requirements.py, 196× requirements.yaml, 151× requirements_test.txt, 144× requirements.in, 129× doc-requirements.txt, 120× requirements-docs.txt, 120× requirements-tests.txt, 117× dev_requirements.txt, 116× requirements-devel.txt
- 21,782× CHANGES: 3,961× CHANGES.txt, 3,677× CHANGES.rst, 3,255× CHANGELOG.md, 2,277× CHANGELOG.rst, 2,058× ChangeLog, 1,603× changelog.rst, 1,032× CHANGELOG, 984× CHANGES, 665× CHANGES.md, 573× CHANGELOG.txt, 514× changes.rst, 408× changelog, 199× changelog.md, 183× changelog.txt, 142× changes.txt, 131× Changelog, 120× changelog.html
- 19,618× XML: 3,094× metadata.xml, 1,336× browserlayer.xml, 1,129× cssregistry.xml, 1,112× registry.xml, 1,089× jsregistry.xml, 922× types.xml, 871× skins.xml, 778× controlpanel.xml, 634× portlets.xml, 619× rolemap.xml, 527× actions.xml, 517× propertiestool.xml, 460× import_steps.xml, 452× viewlets.xml, 392× rules.xml, 388× factorytool.xml, 384× catalog.xml, 373× assets.xml, 317× definition.xml, 304× res_partner_view.xml, 299× workflows.xml, ...
- 18,133× base.py
- 16,606× index.rst
- 15,357× DESCRIPTION.rst
- 15,338× views.py
- 14,333× exceptions.py
- 14,182× tests.py
- 14,147× Makefile
- 13,933× namespace_packages.txt
- 13,850× urls.py
- 13,140× main.py
- 13,025× conf.py
- 12,601× authors: 4,541× AUTHORS, 4,390× AUTHORS.rst, 2,707× authors.rst, 622× AUTHORS.txt, 341× AUTHORS.md
- 12,452× *.pyc: 856× models.pyc, 812× CallCase.pyc, 649× utils.pyc, 647× views.pyc, 619× CallCase.cpython-38.pyc, 589× tests.pyc, 577× urls.pyc, ...
- 12,348× config.py
- 11,488× Font: 1,102× glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff, 1,079× glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf, 1,050× glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot, 1,013× fontawesome-webfont.woff, 1,005× fontawesome-webfont.ttf, 987× fontawesome-webfont.eot, 677× glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff2, 660× FontAwesome.otf, 584× fontawesome-webfont.woff2, ...
- 10,360× version.py
- 10,115× cli.py
- 9,724× .gitignore
- 9,653× admin.py
- 9,414× configure.zcml
- 9,370× util.py
- 9,124× client.py
- 8,941× main.py
- 8,908× settings.py
- 8,291× *.ini: 5,592× tox.ini, 1,146× pytest.ini, 348× config.ini, 267× alembic.ini, 193× development.ini, 169× settings.ini, 128× info.ini, 117× metadata.ini, 113× job.ini, 111× .mrbob.ini, 107× mypy.ini
- 8,089× CMakeLists.txt
- 7,991× 0001_initial.py
- 7,884× C Header Files: 642× MathFunctions.h, 541× PacketMath.h, 475× Complex.h, 474× common.h, 289× config.h, 274× utils.h, 273× internal.h, 268× TypeCasting.h, 252× util.h, 220× platform.h, ...
- 6,908× api.py
- 6,907× forms.py
- 6,851× constants.py
- 6,672× apps.py
- 6,627× core.py
- 5,851× test.py
- 5,314× conftest.py
- 5,103× *.bat
- 4,914× _version.py
- 4,809× common.py
- 4,632× errors.py
- 4,588× manifest.py
- 4,542× interfaces.py
- 4,532× CONTRIBUTING.rst
- 4,412× helpers.py
- 4,358× .DS_Store
- 4,299× HISTORY.rst
- 4,098× test_utils.py
- 3,781× installation.rst
- 3,676× server.py
- 3,644× decorators.py
- 3,596× parser.py
- 3,467× model.py
- 3,455× fields.py
- 3,408× app.py
- 3,322× contributing.rst
- 3,154× usage.rst
- 3,065× compat.py
- 3,009× *.toml
- 2,939× log.py
- 2,887× middleware.py
- 2,833× *.sh: 345× build.sh, 313× run.sh, 293× update.sh, 270× test.sh, 266× runme.sh, 195× install.sh, 184× run_tests.sh, 165× rebuild_i18n.sh, 162× run-tests.sh, 138× plugin.sh, 133× extend_start.sh, 126× release.sh, 123× i18n.sh, 120× runtests.sh
- 2,637× CONTRIBUTORS.rst
- 2,632× *.csv: 2,010× ir.model.access.csv, 622× country.csv
- 2,626× COPYING
- 2,598× version.py
- 2,551× auth.py
- 2,545× history.rst
- 2,544× .coveragerc
- 2,539× openerp.py
- 2,481× logger.py
- 2,458× plugin.py
- 2,430× VERSION
- 2,395× bootstrap.py
- 2,379× signals.py
- 2,378× data.py
- 2,317× testing.py
- 2,305× HISTORY.txt
- 2,270× handlers.py
- 2,248× formats.py
- 2,247× random.py
- 2,246× tasks.py
- 2,213× types.py
- 2,199× aliases
- 2,138× cache.py
- 2,107× error.py
- 2,101× buildout.cfg
- 2,098× serializers.py
- 2,093× connection.py
- 2,073× wsgi.py
- 2,066× commands.py
- 2,058× widgets.py
- 2,028× service.py
- 2,007× user.py
- 1,985× tools.py
- 1,946× run.py
- 1,937× manage.py
- 1,923× CONTRIBUTING.md
- 1,870× manager.py
- 1,853× schema.py
- 1,849× context.py
- 1,805× misc.py
- 1,771× http.py
- 1,767× events.py
- 1,766× version.txt
- 1,765× api.rst
- 1,725× increment.py
- 1,718× decrement.py
- 1,665× filters.py
- 1,648× configuration.py
- 1,629× session.py
- 1,622× INSTALL.txt
- 1,595× query.py
- 1,588× USAGE.rst
- 1,586× index.txt
- 1,568× request.py
- 1,554× command.py
- 1,544× image.py
- 1,542× db.py
- 1,538× .npmignore
- 1,531× mixins.py
- 1,506× managers.py
- 1,498× validators.py
- 1,495× io.py
- 1,491× template.py
- 1,473× database.py
- 1,473× makefile
- 1,462× response.py
- 1,460× exception.py
- 1,459× text.py
- 1,457× .gitkeep
- 1,450× storage.py
- 1,441× file.py
- 1,432× versioneer.py
- 1,401× Dockerfile
- 1,391× const.py
- 1,382× message.py
- 1,347× search.py
- 1,309× sensor.py
- 1,293× helper.py
- 1,291× test_models.py
- 1,273× loader.py
- 1,271× functions.py
- 1,237× registry.py
- 1,233× runner.py
- 1,222× event.py
- 1,219× test_base.py
- 1,218× test_config.py
- 1,185× options.py
- 1,185× modules.rst
- 1,179× resource.py
- 1,176× resources.py
- 1,165× interface.py
- 1,162× utilities.py
- 1,153× metrics.py
- 1,152× defaults.py
- 1,152× example.py
- 1,152× factory.py
- 1,143× metadata.py
- 1,138× test_util.py
- 1,133× stats.py
- 1,133× shell.py
- 1,117× test_cli.py
- 1,105× context_processors.py
- 1,088× test_views.py
- 1,086× task.py
- 1,082× graph.py
- 1,082× test_client.py
- 1,081× meson.build
- 1,074× test_api.py
- 1,070× project.py
- 1,068× logging.py
- 1,059× hooks.py
- 1,057× network.py
- 1,052× node.py
- 1,042× py.typed
- 1,041× .editorconfig
- 1,030× plot.py
- 1,029× build.py
- 1,014× actions.py
- 1,009× rom.sha