Subversion or Apache Subversion or short svn is a is a software versioning and a revision control system. This allows you to step back to any point of the software and to develop simultaniously on the same project (but not on the same file). You have to make sure that no dependencies are broken, of course.
Here is a little cheat sheet how to use SVN. I will demonstrate some on my Google Code OpenSource project Community Chess.
All commands are executed while I'm in my local working copy of the repository.
Get the repository ¶
svn checkout community-chess --username
Update to the latest version ¶
svn update
Check for changes ¶
If you only want to check which files were modified, added or deleted you can execute
svn status
This will show your local changes.
File actions ¶
The actions are simmilar to the console commands, but you have to add svn:
Copy ¶
svn cp myFile.php copiedFile.php
Delete ¶
svn rm myFile.php
Rename / Move ¶
svn mv myFile.php folder/myNewFile.php
Add file ¶
If you created a file and want to submit it with the next commit, just do
svn add myFile.php
Commit the latest changes ¶
Check your changes ¶
First you should try svn status. What files did you change? Do you really want to upload those changes?
If svn status gives you an exclamation mark (!), you might have deleted a file which you wanted to add before. No problem. Just make
svn rever /path/to/your/file.php
I'm fine: Upload it! ¶
This is the command you use, if you want to send the changes you made on your working copy to the repository:
svn commit -m "Moved some functions to to keep the project more flexible; Much work for tournament implementation done; Some Warnings fixed" --username
Watch changes ¶
General ¶
See the last three changes:
svn log -v --limit=3
r118 | | 2011-09-26 23:18:42 +0200 (Mo, 26. Sep 2011) | 1 Zeile
Geänderte Pfade:
M /trunk/clients/Java/ChessClient.class
M /trunk/clients/Java/
small changes on the Java Client
r116 | | 2011-09-26 22:53:01 +0200 (Mo, 26. Sep 2011) | 1 Zeile
Geänderte Pfade:
A /trunk/clients/Java
A /trunk/clients/Java/ChessClient.class
A /trunk/clients/Java/
A /trunk/install/phpBB3
A /trunk/install/phpBB3/login.wrapper.php (von /trunk/install/phpbb3.login.php:100)
A /trunk/install/phpBB3/phpbb3.integration.txt (von /trunk/install/phpbb3.integration.txt:113)
A /trunk/install/phpBB3/phpbb3.php (von /trunk/install/phpbb3.php:100)
A /trunk/install/phpBB3/phpbb3.sql (von /trunk/install/phpbb3.sql:103)
A /trunk/install/phpBB3/ (von /trunk/install/
D /trunk/install/phpbb3.integration.txt
D /trunk/install/phpbb3.login.php
D /trunk/install/phpbb3.php
D /trunk/install/phpbb3.sql
D /trunk/install/
Made integration instructions for phpBB easier; added Java-Client
r113 | | 2011-09-26 08:29:15 +0200 (Mo, 26. Sep 2011) | 1 Zeile
Geänderte Pfade:
M /trunk/index.php
M /trunk/install/chess.sql
M /trunk/install/phpbb3.integration.txt
M /trunk/install/
M /trunk/my_software.php
M /trunk/
Fixed issue 3 and some more phpBB-Bugs; more detailed integration instructions;Renamed GAMES_THREEFOLD_REPETITION_TABLE
One specific file ¶
I don't want to get that much output, so I don't apply -v this time:
svn log index.php --limit=3
r127 | | 2011-10-04 00:09:59 +0200 (Di, 04. Okt 2011) | 1 Zeile
Moved some functions to to keep the project more flexible; Much work for tournament implementation done; Some Warnings fixed
r113 | | 2011-09-26 08:29:15 +0200 (Mo, 26. Sep 2011) | 1 Zeile
Fixed issue 3 and some more phpBB-Bugs; more detailed integration instructions;Renamed GAMES_THREEFOLD_REPETITION_TABLE
r71 | | 2011-08-26 23:13:37 +0200 (Fr, 26. Aug 2011) | 1 Zeile
completed MVC with Vemplator; controlled every php file with phpcs