TCL is an imperative, interpreted, dynamically typed programming language. The Tool Command Language appeared in 1988. In Tcl, everything is a string.
It is probably best (and completely?) described by the 12 Rules for Tcl.
Basic Syntax by Example ¶
Some nice comparisons of the syntax of many languages can be found at
Hello World ¶
set myVariable "Hallo World!"
puts $myVariable
Loop over a list ¶
% foreach element {1 2 3} {
puts $element
Fibonacci ¶
proc fib {n} {
if {$n < 2} {
return $n
} else {
return [expr {[fib [expr {$n-2}]] + [fib [expr {$n-1}]]}]
for {set x 0} {$x<10} {incr x} {
puts [fib $x]
Comments ¶
TCL uses #
as a line comment and does not offer block comments. In fact, they
recommend this:
if 0 {
Any Tcl code to be commented out (with matching braces, of course!)
or any other kind of text, will be ignored - and even [exit] won't fire
because it's in braces, so left unevaluated!
Logical operators ¶
&& | || | 1 | 0 |
== | != | ! |
99 bottles of beer ¶
# 99.tcl; Tcl version of 99 Bottles of Beer Song
proc findBString { count } {
return [switch -exact -- $count {
0 { expr {"No more bottles"} }
1 { expr {"1 bottle"} }
default { expr {"$count bottles"} }
set bottles 99
set bString [findBString $bottles]
while {$bottles + 1} {
puts "$bString of beer on the wall. $bString of beer."
incr bottles -1
if {$bottles + 1} {
set bString [findBString $bottles]
puts "Take one down, pass it round, $bString of beer on the wall.\n"
} else {
puts "Go to the store and buy some more...99 bottles of beer."
Argument parsing ¶
See itfParseArgv
Naming schemes ¶
- Variables have to fit to the pattern
. - Functions have to fit to the pattern
[^ \t\n\r\f]+
. - Variables and function are scrunched together by camelCase or CamelCase.
Community ¶
I think one indicator for the quality of the community is it's size. And the community will grow, when the language gets more popular.
According to Ohloh, TCL is quite unpopular:
You can also take a look at Google Trends:

- The TIOBE Index ranked Tcl on place 43 in March 2014.
- lang-index ranked Tcl on place 84 in the general category and on place 34 in the script category.
- There are 2,490 Tcl questions on StackOverflow. Compare that to 286,244 questions about Python or 609,648 questions about Java.
- Tcl is on rank 18 for GitHub (source).
Execution Speed ¶
Speed comparisons of programming languages are difficult. One nice way to compare the execution speed of programming languages is the benchmarksgame. But sadly, they don't have TCL.