I've just seen the following image on spikedmath.com:

Source: spikedmath.com
The second answers seem to be obviously the correct ones, right? Wrong.
According to Heron's formula you can calculate a triangles area like this:
Let a,b,c be the side lengths of the triangle. s:=a+b+c2 T=√s⋅(s−a)⋅(s−b)⋅(s−c)
So the area of the first triangle is s1:=162=8 T1:=√8⋅(8−5)⋅(8−5)⋅(8−6)=√8⋅3⋅3⋅2=3⋅4=12
The area of the second one is s1:=182=9 T1:=√9⋅(9−5)⋅(9−5)⋅(9−8)=√9⋅4⋅4⋅1=3⋅4=12
Both triangles have the same area!
When you draw it, it looks like this: