I am currently at home and I found Unreal Tournament 2004 in my old stuff. Of course, I had to play it again ☺
Before you start, you might want to get the latest version. You have to find the patches by yourself. According to this page, you get all updates / bonus content with "Mega Pack" (201 MB).
It's asthonishing that there is neither a possibility to upgrade the game within the game, nor an official source for patches. I guess providing a patches is an easy way to spread viruses. Do I have any chance to check if it's a valid patch or a patch with a virus?
Error ¶
I played "COPT - Camper and Sniper" for about half an hour and got this error:
UT2004 Build UT2004_Build_[2005-11-23_16.22] OS: Windows NT 6.1 (Build: 7601) CPU: GenuineIntel PentiumPro-class processor @ 2133 MHz with 3764MB RAM Video: Intel(R) HD Graphics (2372) General protection fault! History: UObject::ConditionalDestroy <- UObject::GetFullName <- DispatchDestroy <- DispatchDestroys <- UObject::PurgeGarbage <- UObject::CollectGarbage <- UObject::StaticExec <- UEngine::Exec <- UGameEngine::Exec <- UPlayer::Exec <- UViewport::Exec <- UWindowsViewport::Exec <- APlayerController::execConsoleCommand <- (ExtendedConsole Package.ExtendedConsole @ Function Engine.Console.Tick : 002C) <- UObject::ProcessEvent <- (InteractionMaster Package.InteractionMaster, Function Engine.InteractionMaster.Process_Tick) <- UInteractionMaster::MasterProcessTick <- ULevel::Tick <- (NetMode=0) <- TickLevel <- UGameEngine::Tick <- Level Unbenannt <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop <- FMallocWindows::Free <- FMallocWindows::Realloc <- 10910191 0 FArray <- FArray::Realloc <- 0*2 <- FMallocWindows::Free
Some Links ¶
- Team stats by Hammerlock770 (another version is here, if the linked site gets offline)
- UT2004 Stats
- Official forum