I've recently found the company mentorium.de. Their business model seems to be to help people cheat at writing their thesis.
They write the following (in German, use DeepL if you want an English version):
Unsicherheit bei der Quellenarbeit? Ein weiterer Bedarf für das Umformulieren von wissenschaftlichen Texten und ganzer Abschlussarbeiten besteht dann, wenn Du das Gefühl hast, Dich zu sehr an die Originaltexte gehalten zu haben, oder Du nicht imstande bist, indirekt zu zitieren. Manche Studenten oder Doktoranden sind sich auch nicht mehr sicher, ob sie nach einer längeren Schreibpause bereits Quelltext umgeschrieben haben oder nicht. Das Umformulieren von Text bedeutet natürlich nicht, dass auf korrekte Literaturverweise/ Quellenangaben verzichtet werden kann.
It sounds a bit as if the sense of academic work was to re-write already written work. While this company likely only tries to justify why it's ok to use their service, it reminded me that I wanted to write an article about why we cite in the first place.
Reason #1: Giving Credit ¶
If you use work of others, it is only fair to tell the reader that this was not your idea, but the thought of somebody else.
Reason #2: Credibility ¶
If you give a source for your claims, you're basically writing: Don't believe me, believe Work XY / author Z.
Reason #3: Story Telling ¶
This is maybe one of the most important reasons which is often forgotten: Writing academic work should be similar to writing a story. The work needs to have a common thread and the reader might need an introduction. You want to place your work in the bigger context of other scientific work.