There are so many interesting videos to watch. For some of them I wanted to write a blog post, for some I just wanted to watch them and store them for later. As I want to start the new year 2020 fresh, I'll just dump the videos here. When I started this cleanup, I had almost 300 videos in my "watch later" playlist.
Data Science and Engineering ¶
Title | Duration | Published | More |
Dillon R. Gardner: Spatial Data Analysis With Python, PyData | 37:23 | 01.08.2018 | |
Vasily Ershov: CatBoost: Fast Open-Source Gradient Boosting Library For GPU, PyData | 40:08 | 01.08.2018 | Data Science |
Leskovec, Rajaraman, Ullman: Content Based Recommendations, Stanford University | 21:00 | 13.04.2016 | Recommender Systems |
Collaborative Filtering, Stanford University | 20:52 | 13.04.2016 | Recommender Systems |
Thom Lane (AWS): MXNet and ONNX | 26:52 | 28.09.2018 | Data Engineering / Data Engineering |
Dr. Steve Liu (Tinder): Recommendations at Tinder, MLConf | 24:49 | 19.11.2017 | Recommender Systems, Social Discovery |
Prabhu Ramachandran: 3D Visualization with Mayavi, SciPy 2018 Tutorial | 2:55:13 | 12.07.2018 | Visualization, Introduction to Mayavi |
Benjamin Root: Anatomy of Matplotlib (Beginner Level) | 3:16:12 | 12.07.2018 | Visualization |
Gerrit Gruben: Leveling up your storytelling and visualization skills, PyData | 1:27:24 | 01.08.2018 | Visualization |
Andrew Collette: HDF5 is Eating the World, SciPy 2015 | 18:30 | 09.07.2015 | Data Engineering |
Kacper Kowalik: Sneaking Data into Containers with the Whole Tale, SciPy 2018 | 30:02 | 16.07.2018 | Data Engineering |
QR Factorization and Alternating Least Squares | 28:54 | 12.12.2018 | Recommender Systems |
How I created an evolving neural network ecosystem | Evolutionary algorithm |
Professional Python development ¶
Concrete ¶
Title | Duration | Published | More |
Beton, GPN | 1:06:11 | 01.06.2019 | General Introduction (DE) |
Glasfasernetze & Beton wie auch immer das zusammen passt, GPN | 43:13 | 01.06.2019 | |
Grey Element: Tisch aus Beton selber machen | 13:39 | 25.11.2018 | |
Grey Element: Hochfesten Beton (UHPC) selber mischen | 7:44 | 20.12.2018 | |
Einfach genial: Carbon-Beton: Die Zukunft des Bauens | 4:34 | 15.11.2016 | |
Textilbeton | 2:54 | 17.07.2012 | |
DIY - AMAZING IDEAS WITH CEMENT | 10:03 | 03.04.2019 |
House Building ¶
Sound Insulation ¶
Title | Duration |
Poröse Akustik Absorber selber bauen | 9:27 |
General Talks ¶
Title | Duration | Published | More |
Prof. Dr. Harald Lesch: Diözesanempfang 2019 | 52:56 | 21.01.2019 | |
Ausgetrickst bei Miete, Einkommen und Rente | 43:14 | 12.11.2018 | Dokumentation |
Die unheimliche Macht der Berater | 43:42 | 26.02.2019 | Steuern |
Former CIA Chief of Disguise Breaks Down 30 Spy Scenes From Film & TV | 27:53 | 08.05.2019 |
Plastic reduction ¶
Title | Duration |
Popcorn as Packaging instead of Styropor | 10:47 |
Self-sustainability ¶
Title | Duration | Published | More |
Leckere Vielfalt im Weckglas: Lebensmittel haltbar machen | 28:24 | 18.09.2019 | Konservieren: Einkochen, Einkochen, Einlegen in Essig |
"Erdmieten" selbstgemacht: Gemüse für den Winter | 10:15 | 03.12.2017 | Vorratsgrube: Abfalleimer mit zwei Metall-Verschlüssen |
Joul: 5 Energiespeicher für die Zukunft der Energiewende | 11:09 | 10.06.2018 | Batteriespeicher |
4K Videos ¶
Title | Time |
Costa Rica | 5:13 |
TIMELAPSE OF THE FUTURE: A Journey to the End of Time | 29:20 |
4K Demo Movie from Sony | 29:36 |
Channels ¶
- DUST: English short movies
- Primer: Evolutionary algorithms (including genetic algorithms)
- Tier Zoo: Learning about Animals with Game lingo
- Political Satire
- John Oliver: LastWeekTonight
- Seth Meyers: Late Night
- Neo Magazin Royale
- Tilo Jung: A German journalist
- Learning
- Commencement Addresses (e.g. Bill Gates / Harvard, Steve Jobs / Stanford)