This Review gives an overview of intersting stuff I stumbled over which are related to machine learning.
News ¶
- Canada’s AI Moment
- AI is one step closer to mastering StarCraft: Multiagent Bidirectionally-Coordinated Nets for Learning to Play StarCraft Combat Game
- Deep learning for satellite imagery via image segmentation
- Hardware:
- Nvidia Volta (reddit)
- Nvidia BB 8 (self-driving car)
- First In-Depth Look at Google’s TPU Architecture
- Datasets:
- Medical ImageNet
- READ-BAD - detecting baselines in scanned documents
- Google’s AlphaGo AI still undefeated, beats world’s best human Ke Jie again
Live Demos, Websites and Blogs ¶
- Jonathan Pilault: Adam-Nesterov results: Related to the OpenAI gym.
- Imitate voices with only one minute of recorded speech
Publications ¶
- Beyond Face Rotation: Global and Local Perception GAN for Photorealistic and Identity Preserving Frontal View Synthesis - generate frontal view faces from side view input
- Cyclical Learning Rates for Training Neural Networks
- BAM! The Behance Artistic Media Dataset for Recognition Beyond Photography: A dataset with 393000 labeled images, 7 types of images (vector art, pencil-sketch, ...) and 9 classes
Software ¶

- caffe2 - although caffe will be continued, it is probably a good idea to switch?
- CycleGAN: Translate between horses and Zebras
- FaceApp: See this and reddit
- fastText: library for efficient learning of word representations and sentence classification
- FBLearner Flow
Interesting Questions ¶
- What are 2D dimensionality reduction algorithms good for?
- What is the memory cost of a CNN?
- How should the bias be initialized and regularized?
- Is there a relationship between LDA, linear SVMs and Perceptron?
Miscallenious ¶
Blogs / Websites ¶
- Some nice articles (e.g. one about t-SNE)
Meetings ¶
- Amsterdam, 8. April 2017: PyData
- Austin (Texas, USA), 10. July 2017: SciPy 2017