I get a lot of data about my visitors which I would like to share. The following data is from 2012 of my domain martin-thoma.com. It was collected by Piwik. Note that I excluded my visits.
Articles ¶
These articles had the most visitors:
- How to draw a finite-state machine
- Performance of Matrix multiplication in Python, Java and C++
- LaTeX-Vorlage für ein Lastenheft (german)
- Computer Science Jokes
- Wie führe ich einen Induktionsbeweis? (german)
Recently, my article Frauenquote am KIT got also very popular.
Visitors ¶
According to awstats:
- Different users: 81,028
- Visits: 119,855
- Page accesses: 2,379,654
- Bytes sent: 27.95 GB
According to Piwik:

Where do they come from? ¶

Hardware ¶

Software ¶

Provider ¶

Referrers ¶

Obviously, search engines are much more important for my website than other websites. Visitors who find me with Google, use these terms:
- "lastenheft vorlage" or "lastenheft beispiel" → LaTeX-Vorlage für ein Lastenheft
- "induktionsbeweis" → Wie führe ich einen Induktionsbeweis?
- "computer science jokes" → Computer Science Jokes
- "basiswechselmatrix" → Wie bestimme ich die Basiswechselmatrix?
- "chomsky normalform" → Konstruktion der Chomsky-Normalform
Spam ¶
Akistmet got a lot of comment spam on my blog: